Due to lack of any intimacy with these guys it is hard to say for sure, but listening to the talks on the internet I think Anthony Morris is the biggest with Gerrit Losch second runner-up.
Who Is The Biggest Control Freak On The Governing Body, Anthony Morris III, Gets My Vote
by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They use certain men on the GB for their own agenda. Even their official spokesmen to the news care on a very short leash.
Very interesting videos, I just didn't think that Gerrit understood the experience he related. He is really not an intelligent man. I think that both are just loyal to the anti Higher Education rule. But, they certainly don't provide good argumentation against it.
I thought that Anthony was very open about his concern over the convincing power of some professor, over the Org. He seemed to blame the parents for sending their children to college. But, really? Is it not, because some want to work at something more reasonable, instead of spending your time knocking on doors of homes when people are not home, or because the people at home just do not want to answer their doors.
The GB as a whole is a Control Freak
The GB are talking parrots for the real (human) devils in charge.
When i listen to different GB I don't see them as controlling as these two guys Anthony and Gerrit.
Take Stephan Letts talk, he's more of an alarmist, and seems to see the Devil in all sorts of places, even people that are not familiar to him, he reguards with suspicion,, as his talk about "Listening to the Voice of Stangers", what a Xenophobic, both him and Anthony Morris III seem to see the Devil and Demons everywhere even in a harmless childs toys.
Listen How Lett's sees the Devil in snakes, people, as well as other human agencies. He's so caught up in his delusion he doesn't even see how rediculous he sounds in this talk, can you imagine him giving this talk in a mental hospital with a psychiatrist as his audience this guy would never make it in the real world he's so nutty but he's found a home with the indoctrinated who will listen to his mad ravings uncritically and except his phobias as real not imagined:
Herd seems to spend time fantasizing about good looking sisters, hey his wife is pretty good looking too, I'm sure she keeps him satified at night in thier bethel room or rooms.
He seems not to be that controlling, can still appreciate a good looking women. He seems to lean very heavily on anecdotal information, but I don't see him anywhere as near the control freak Anthony Morris is, in fact I bet he has a hard time trying to get Morris to tone down his controlling behaivior.
Guy Pierce comes off as an indoctrinated follower. Not much of any quality on the internet to listen to, for that reason I would say he's more subdued but not much to go on in my opinion.
Geoffry Jackson well so far from what I seen very lack luster, kind of plain(boring), somewhat sincere, a company man but not some one who would scheme and plot to control atleast not like the finger pointer Anthony Morris would.
---The GB are talking parrots for the real (human) devils in charge.
That is interesting. Any idea who really is in charge for all JW inventions? Not in spiritual sense. I mean, which people? Thanks.
Here's another one from Lett about womens lib. His idea of marital harmony is that a women should know her place.
He's from the good o'l boys club. He has an interest in establishing male dominance, I doubt that he would listen very carefully to what a member of the opposite sex has to say, as a male GB he must feel superior, this is why i would rank him #2 right behind Anthony #1 control freak.
I think Anthony Morris III can use these fearful delusions that the Devil is everywhere of Lett's to steer him in any direction he wants. Look at the eyes of this guy they alway seem bugged out in fear or excitement, I don't know which,, probably fear of his arch enemy the Devil, or strangers hard to tell.