Welcome NewDawnFades. I wish you well on your journey.
JoinedPosts by TheListener
by newdawnfades ini am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
A question for those that have been around this board for a long time
by JeffT inmy wife and i stopped going to meetings in 1988 and da'd in 1989. for a few years we both actively participated in the xjw world, she quit doing that a long time ago, and has pretty much completely moved on.
the other night i told her about my planned blog (which will probably launch this weekend) it will mostly be about my writing, a lot of which is mostly about jw related issues.
she asked why i am still so drawn to this subject.
For me, I can't stand how the WTS changes their teachings and the new ones seem to never know what was taught as "truth" before. The more of us that post online and do blogs and anything else that exposes the WTS for what it truly is can only be a positive thing.
By posting here I can keep current with what my wife and family are hearing at the meetings and share my knowledge of growing up as a witness and serving in various positions with others.
It feels good to use the useless witness knowledge I have to help others; and to be a small part of dismanting the WTS.
Julia's Inquisition - Two elders, the full version! I want you all to see this.
by Julia Orwell insorry it's gonna be long winded.
i've done my best to reconstruct from memory.
my husband was next to me the whole time.
Good luck Julia Orwell. You met them face to face and held your own. What they do from this point forward is on their heads.
I'm new, please come and meet me!
by Julia Orwell inlong time lurker, first time poster.
i'm really glad i can join your community because i've been in the wts for the last 14 years and now i'm on my way out and it's great to meet like-minded people!.
about me: i started learning jw ways when i was in my teens.
Welcome Julia! Nice to have you join in and post. I wish you the best of luck with your husband.
You know from reading on here that there may come a time when he doesn't want to hear any "negative" stuff about the WTS. Just be ready for it so he doesn't surprise you out of left field.
Also, I've found that witness spouses are like clock pendulums that swing back and forth from spiritual to not so spiritual.
My wife just told me to move out...
by nolongerconfused inbecause of "religious" differences, she now wants me to move out and "separate"...i said what biblical grounds does she have for her request?.
she couldnt respond...she said she'd rather be beaten up by me than have an "apostate" in the house.... this org definitely encourages conditional love.... i don't know what to do...by the way, we dont have children.
This will happen to me once the kids are grown.
Who Is The Biggest Control Freak On The Governing Body, Anthony Morris III, Gets My Vote
by frankiespeakin indue to lack of any intimacy with these guys it is hard to say for sure, but listening to the talks on the internet i think anthony morris is the biggest with gerrit losch second runner-up.. .
I am not as familiar with this GB 2.0. I am an old GB 1.0 person.
Everyone says 'follow the money'. If that is true then it seems that those who control the money control the organization. Business managers, lawyers and any financial guys they've got.
Plus I bet like most big companies it takes on a life of its own and almost everyone is just swept along with the current. Especially with donations constantly coming in and not being dependent on sales of products to outsiders.
Power Struggle At Head Quarters Reason For Governing Body New Light?
by frankiespeakin inwell could it be that we overlooked this little idea in our reasonings on why the governing body is comming up with new light they love the idea of?
about the f&ds?.
you know to keep any type of rebellion at bay before it starts.. have you ever woundered what many that are closely associated with the governing body are feeling about these new guys called the governing body right now with all this new light loved by the governing body,,i smell trouble a brewing for these guys right there at headquarters i'm sure thier dealing with everbody they meet they reflect this same attitude so they got to be making enemies..
...and still my wife attends regularly and believes all of it.
ARRRRGHHHH the frustration
My wife just told me to move out...
by nolongerconfused inbecause of "religious" differences, she now wants me to move out and "separate"...i said what biblical grounds does she have for her request?.
she couldnt respond...she said she'd rather be beaten up by me than have an "apostate" in the house.... this org definitely encourages conditional love.... i don't know what to do...by the way, we dont have children.
Sorry to hear this nolongeconfused. I guess by all the responses and advice you can tell you're not alone. Many of us have similar situations. That's what's so great about this forum. In the old days we felt alone and didn't have a way to communicate to others all across the world who have had similar issues. This forum is a fantastic way to learn from those that went before.
I had to stop talking about the TATT as well in order to save my family. I have kids and I wanted to be sure I was around to love and guide them.
Governing Body's Doctrinal Errors Vs. Jesus Apostles' so called errors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
by I_love_Jeff inif the apostles were guided by the holy spirit, how could they have made any doctrinal errors as mentioned by many jehovah's witnesses?
the governing body has admitted to making doctrinal errors and state that " you might as well condem jesus' apostles as well since they too had made errors.
i have read that the apostles had only made behavior mistakes not errors in doctrinal writings.. "the new testament makes it abundantly clear that doctrinal error can lead to eternal damnation.. didache is a noun found thirty times in the new testament to mean doctrine, teaching.
I don't have access to my reference material right now but the WTS also uses the Circumcision issue as a doctrinal error to show the Apostles made errors.
El_Guapo, I agree with others. Avoid the CO. That shouldn't be hard to do if you are working.
I have noticed something though. A fade implies a gradual slowing down of all the typical JW activities. Stepping aside due to medical or mental reasons will pass the sniff test if you are doing your best (in their eyes) to maintain your other spiritual activities. Each step of the fade takes time. If you rush the fade it makes the elders suspicious and turns them into bloodhounds.
I can't begin to tell you what to do in your situation. For me, I spoke with two elders a few times about stepping aside and had to say all the typical JW stuff to get through it. I still went to meetings and service but I slowly made myself scarcer and scarcer. Eventually I was able to disappear completely and not even warrant a shepherding call.
Of course, each body of elders is different and some just never let something like this go.
I'm glad your wife is at least being understanding. Keep your spirits high because JW spouses tend to go hot and cold about stuff like this.
Good luck.