JoinedPosts by TheListener
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
Imho it would be no different that when the bookstudy as a separate meeting night was cancelled. Most dubs were very happy that they had another free night. I know that a lot of families in my old hall do not have a regular family night study. If the dubs were relieved of the door to door work they'd be happy to comply. -
Need advice: Intimacy with my wife almost non existint because she considers me an apostate
by goingthruthemotions injust on of the perks of being an apostate who is married to a branwashed, blinded jw woman.
you know, we have been married for ~27 years....most of which we had nothing to do with the piece of shite cult.
up till the begining of 2014 was when i woke up.
Maybe I missed this but could you just ask her if she will ever want to have sex with you and what she feels you need to do qualify for sex? If the answer is 'be a god jdub' then you pretty much know what you have to do.
Remember, both you and your wife deserve to be happy. It may work out that you can be happy together or it may not, but you both deserve happiness.
Need advice: Intimacy with my wife almost non existint because she considers me an apostate
by goingthruthemotions injust on of the perks of being an apostate who is married to a branwashed, blinded jw woman.
you know, we have been married for ~27 years....most of which we had nothing to do with the piece of shite cult.
up till the begining of 2014 was when i woke up.
I don't know what the right thing for you to do is but you should try to imagine what your life could be like if you were able to somehow reconcile with her and really have a genuine marital relationship as well as imagining what it may be like if you divorced.
Remember, the "truth" comes first, always. She knows you will never live through Armageddon so I believe she is limiting her exposure to pain and hurt by pulling away from your relationship. The witholding of sex is a way for her to make you see sense (her version) and return to J; it's the next thing in the arsenal since she realistically can't shun you as she would someone else.
My marriage has ups and downs, right now it's down. So my advice may be a reflection of my mood.
Royal Commission National Redress Scheme. Average of $65,000 per victim, not including psychological fees and admin costs.
by Lemonp inthe royal commission published it's redress report today.
it is a 668 page document, but it is very interesting.
all the recommendations they make are in harmony with what all other institutions will accept.
The organization is selfish and greedy so any money they pay out will hurt them emotionally which is great because that's how they hurt most of us.
If it doesn't break them financially that's ok but the bad publicity is priceless even if its only local to Australia.
I thought I read that the Australian government would be enacting legislation (the teeth) based on the findings of the ARC? Does anyone know if that's how it works?
The folly of Watchtower's theodicy. Or, why would an all-powerful and all-wise God need to justify his sovereignty through suffering?
by Island Man inwatchtower says that evil and suffering exist at present to vindicate jehovah as being the only one qualified to govern; to bear witness to man's inability to govern himself independent of god and under satan's direction.
the claim is made that the questions raised by satan regarding god's motives as universal sovereign can only be answered by allowing humans to see the evil and suffering that results when man lives independent of god's protection and direction.. watchtower and jws seem to think that this is the best theodicy in the world.
but there are some serious flaws in it.. 1. such a theodicy suggests that all perfect and intelligent creation, up until the advent of adam and eve, did not know god and his ways well enough to be confident that his motives as universal sovereign are pure.
I really like those points Island Man. -
I need some advice
by SpunkedTeen ini dont think ill be able to leave the organization,you see i have no close friends in or outside the jws and my entire family is part of the cult,if i leave my mom and the rest of my family will be heartbroken and i dont want to be the reason they are hurt.
im not particularly close to any of my family members but i still care for them.
i could really use some advice because i have no one else to turn too..
Good luck SpunkedTeen. It's never easy but you were given really good advice here. If you feel like you are just too stressed out you should see if you can get some counseling or other professional advice. I think professionals can really help us work through tough situations while maintaining our sanity.
Good luck!
Did You Ever Hear a Non-Witness Opinion After They'd Attended Their first Meeting?
by snugglebunny ini was about 12. i took a friend along to a meeting and he said he didn't mind learning stuff but it was a shame it was so boring.. i was about 14. i had my very own bible study and took him along.
he just kept whispering about the girls there that he fancied.. i was in my early 20's.
i took along a lady that i knew.
Yes. I won't be specific about who but the response was that everyone seemed friendly but sort of fake and that the meeting material seemed very basic and they were surprised that all the answers (well most of them) were directly from the material or a very minor paraphrase of the material. All in all the person said it had the feel of a high control group (forget what term they used exactly but it wasn't cult). The individual never went back.
This was from someone my wife and I both know and that she took the the meeting one time. I don't know if the individual gave my wife the same feedback I got.
New Kingdom Halls
by panhandlegirl inwhat's with all this new kingdom hall building?
just watched jw broadcasting about their master plan for building new kingdom halls.
sounds like a big deal.
I know of one KH that was built last year but haven't heard of anything since. I do remember hearing back at that time that there were a couple more KHs to be constructed but haven't heard if they started or not. -
by defender of truth inthe royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
I wasn't able to hear the remainder of the hearing (after lunch). What was the gotcha moment?! -
Geoffrey Jackson - Royal Commission Live Hearing Now!
by LostinJapan in.,-july-2015,-sydney.
I think because so many JW rules are not written down it's easier for them to try and make themselves sound reasonable. That's why we can call BS on so much of what Jackson says because JW rules are not reasonable in practice.