Round and round
With love we'll find a way just give it time
Round and round
What comes around goes around
I'll tell you why so
should a teen, a child of a believing mother, cooperate in the fact-gathering of the elders into the waywardness (not sex related, hopefully) of some local teenagers?
what scenarios can you see playing out?
all teens to clam up?
Round and round
With love we'll find a way just give it time
Round and round
What comes around goes around
I'll tell you why so
having watched the prodigal son returns movie produced by the organization and a recent mini-clip of a brother in london who is shown jogging and doing normal everyday things while wanting to "reach out" it occurred to me that the organization is trying to normalize their bizarre lifestyle and beliefs for the benefit of non-witnesses.. what do i mean by normalization?
they try to make the witnesses look like just another christian denomination who are reasonable while their members live and enjoy normal lives that appear to be within the mainstream.. they do this by not mentioning anything to do with higher education, armageddon or the urgency of the end of the world nor is their discussion or mention of the blood issue.
these are things mentioned often at kingdom halls and in study articles.. watching the prodigal son returns, the family appears to live a normal life, going to meetings and studying.
Courting and being in a public place without a chaperone would be ok but you would have to arrive separately or if you went together you would need a chaperone for the trip and they could sit at a separate table.
Or if a witness worked at the public place you were visiting you could pick up your courtin' date and her father would know when she got picked up and the witness working at the public place could call the father to let him know the couple arrived (therefore no messin' around time on the way) and repeat the procedure when they leave (again, no messin' around time).
Sure sure that video was realistic......NOT
I know because I lived it more than once and from different perspectives. Stopping young people from touching each other's parts is a huge part of dub life.
for all those who know who greg stafford is/was.
the former "apostate/apologist and author of three dissertations and other books, is on page 2 of the march 2016 meeting work book.
I thought his blog said he is no longer a witness and goes into a lot of detail as to why witnesses are wrong on several things?
I don't get it.
having watched the prodigal son returns movie produced by the organization and a recent mini-clip of a brother in london who is shown jogging and doing normal everyday things while wanting to "reach out" it occurred to me that the organization is trying to normalize their bizarre lifestyle and beliefs for the benefit of non-witnesses.. what do i mean by normalization?
they try to make the witnesses look like just another christian denomination who are reasonable while their members live and enjoy normal lives that appear to be within the mainstream.. they do this by not mentioning anything to do with higher education, armageddon or the urgency of the end of the world nor is their discussion or mention of the blood issue.
these are things mentioned often at kingdom halls and in study articles.. watching the prodigal son returns, the family appears to live a normal life, going to meetings and studying.
protesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
I can see trump getting Republican nomination but that just means Hillary or Bernie will win the white house. I just don't see moderates or democrats voting for trump in a general election.
At least I hope he never wins the white house.
this is a legitimate question.
did any of us ever find real joy in being at the meetings?
did any of us ever finish a meeting and think "i feel so enriched"?
having watched the prodigal son returns movie produced by the organization and a recent mini-clip of a brother in london who is shown jogging and doing normal everyday things while wanting to "reach out" it occurred to me that the organization is trying to normalize their bizarre lifestyle and beliefs for the benefit of non-witnesses.. what do i mean by normalization?
they try to make the witnesses look like just another christian denomination who are reasonable while their members live and enjoy normal lives that appear to be within the mainstream.. they do this by not mentioning anything to do with higher education, armageddon or the urgency of the end of the world nor is their discussion or mention of the blood issue.
these are things mentioned often at kingdom halls and in study articles.. watching the prodigal son returns, the family appears to live a normal life, going to meetings and studying.
In my area there is a mix of witnesses - both the middle class (probably not upper middle class) and those who are struggling economically. The KH my wife attends is probably 70% struggling and 30% middle class - guess what? The 30% middle class make up almost the entire servant body and the economically struggling ones are most of the pioneers.
Is that how it is in other areas?
we both are 21 years old.
we both are 21 years old.
i am almost done with my study and working on to become one of an unbaptized publisher.
Trueloveneverfails94 you asked
Wouldn't they question about what we have done in our relationship??
I don't think they'd go into that much detail. They may ask but wouldn't really expect a detailed answer unless you have gone further than holding hands and have something to confess to them. Then they will be very interested.
Seriously, Sir82 said, read and reread what you're posting and ask yourself if this is how you want to live the rest of your life. And don't think this type of control stops once you're married...oh no...just think of the WT rules you need to follow in your bedroom.
we both are 21 years old.
we both are 21 years old.
i am almost done with my study and working on to become one of an unbaptized publisher.
She will probably be counseled not to see you anymore until you have been baptized a year. If she doesn't follow this direction she will probably lose her pioneering privileges and possibly be marked. Another poster already explained marking.
As for you, since you are not baptized not much will happen. You will get friendly counsel to let her be until you are baptized and have made the truth your own.
Please read jwfacts.com to make sure you know exactly what becoming a witness really means. You sound like a really sincere person and I would hate to see you get deeper and deeper into a religion that has so much control over your personal life. Take some time and read a few life experiences of some of the posters here.
well it finally happened!
we have been waiting about a year for this, my dfd husbands family asked us for money.
even though his own father hasn't met our 8 month old son.
Strong haiku in part you said
For me, it was telling them that they would not receive any money from me unless we worked towards having a normal family relationship. I have not heard back from them in 4 years.
That's such a good idea. I see others have the same idea too. Great thinking.