I have several older relatives. I've posted their tech stories on other threads before. Basically, they have no real clue how the stuff works and as soon as something needs updating or doesn't work exactly right they're up @#$S creek without a paddle.
Prologos is right, my relatives talk to the younger ones after the meetings to get help with their tablets and phones.
They are on a fixed income but managed to buy several tablets since it's a necessary expense for the ministry.
On the surface they love the technology but if you dig a bit deeper or listen when their guard is down in the evening (since I'm out they try hard to never speak bad about their religion when I'm around, but when you're with them enough they can't help but let their real personality slip out) and you will hear them complain about how confusing the technology is and how they miss having all their printed copies with their study notes available and how they keep running out of memory.
They also seem to end up with multiple copies of almost every WT piece of literature. They don't seem to know how to save the files for future use and I've heard them say they've had to study the same WT more than once.
My wife, not really older, uses the tech but very limited. She likes her printed copy of most things but since asking for a printed study WT, according to her, is embarrassing and the same with the CLAM thingy she uses that electronically. No idea what she does in service - which she seems to do as little of as possible.
One last thing, the older dubs I know seem to think that their use of the tablets and technology is waaaaay superior to the way others are using it and that they are somehow in the forefront of the electronic revolution. Hearing them speak can make you sick.