Which "overlaps" other generations....wtf!!!
i went to the sunday circuit assembly and came back all riled up with all the nonsense.. the sunday program was on ''safeguarding your spirituality''.
''it is better to remain single and not marry.
that gives you more time for studying and the preaching work.
Which "overlaps" other generations....wtf!!!
did you intend to leave your estate to the wts when you died?.
in several threads ive read, ppl make comments to the effect that theres no point leaving money to jws, because they would just leave the money to the wts anyway.. .
this is an assumption that i believe is a generalisation.. .
Makes me sick that the wt cult brainwashes innocent people to do such a thing, while leaving their children with barely anything.
i went to the sunday circuit assembly and came back all riled up with all the nonsense.. the sunday program was on ''safeguarding your spirituality''.
''it is better to remain single and not marry.
that gives you more time for studying and the preaching work.
During the whole 2 days I heard the term "the end is so close" only once. My guess was because of the new, new , new , new, new ,new generation teaching.
today i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
Everyone looking up the same bloody scripture that we have all read ten million times, the scripture has finished being read and still yes still idiots are turning their pages to find this scripture they have read ten million times.
Having to talk to brother stupid/annoying after every meeting because there is no else to speak to. And all you're thinking is, please get me out of here and never come back, this is torture.
today i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
The nodding of head to most stupid point ever made...and btw that point was made for the 4,098,784 time
i've been a member on this site for a number of years but i have never posted what i really think of the jw's and the org.. i left about 10 years ago - mentally.
but i have only made the long term decision to leave and never go back over the past 2-3 years.. it was difficult.
i have family and many friends who i still converse with on a regular basis.. being on the outside now i see what a major farce and a hypocritical state of affairs it all really is.. i often hear the comment "only people in the truth are really happy" and being a friend 'on the outside' many of my associates on the inside are far to easy to reveal exactly what they get up to when they are not at meetings or out knocking doors.. pre-marital sex, drunkenness, nightclubs, dating websites...the list goes on and on.
I can't wait to join you my friend. For now I am trapped in this hell-like existence.
the earthquakes in haiti affected by far more non-jws than dubs.
but every time something like this happens, somehow it's all about them!
it's a fulfillment of prophecy, and oh, how are our brothers doing, and screw the rest of the "ungodly" world!
In their relief effforts they never help families or individuals who are not jw's, even though they are suffering. What they are saying is, if you want our help join our religion. Bunch of evil bastards!!!!
i'm still just trying to understand ..... what is the real essence of why the leaders at the very core of this religion do what they do?
i assume they are all in the 144k, so i get that.
but i mean ... that can't be the entire motivation for all this misery.
They are so deeply involved in this cult they know absolutley nothing else at all. Literally nothing else. So if the religion dies, in effect they die, if the religion propers, they feel a sense of success in their lives.
from jw.org, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
100% Fraud!! We all know very well the wt conductor is going to spend only a minute or two on this point, then quietly move on.
hello all.. in thes spirit of another thread i read where the boyfriend was badgering our poster about the religion saying he wanted her to forget it and not go back... do you have friends that worry?
my best friend is always asking me... do you think you will go back?.
do you think its because when we were in we so vehemently proclaimed we believed it?
whatistruth, you dont need to be in a destructive religion AND a destructive marriage.
the sooner you get out you will realise the elders are not the police and the WORST anyone can do to you is not bother with you
(which to be honest I find peaceful - at least you wont get snide comments. - like my friend who was in the supermarket and was asked 'so is it good on the other side then'? )
how can a wife be devout, but rule the roost and make your life miserable - if you leave and she is actually devout, she will respect you, be submissive and try and 'win you over without a word' - but I suspect devout isnt the word of choice, I think you must mean Zealot or fanatic.
you have friends on this side .x
You are so right!!! I have to leave this cult and I must leave the tyrant of a wife I have. I want to, I need to!! The question is, how do I go about doing it?????