Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings

by LittleSister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleSister

    Today I was remembering how angry I used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:

    • Prayers that go on forever
    • Study or WT conductors still taking comments when it’s clear that the point has been covered 20 times already
    • Meetings over running by more than 5 mins

    My favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point I am thinking of. He would keep rephrasing the question from the WT until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of. As he got older his points became more obscure and we would all be desperately trying to guess what he was thinking just so we could get the WT over.

    What things used to annoy you about the meeting?

  • cantleave

    The illustrations that distract and don't make any valid point

  • cantleave

    The expectation by some that your car was their free taxi service (OK not quite on topic - but bloody annoying anyway)

  • truthseekeriam

    I would have to say, the brother, you know the one... that would give that long ol comment during the Wtchtower study and cover the whole public talk so he could impress the elder who gave the talk. I would call him brother brown nose (not to his face of course)

  • blondie

    jws that sing off key at the top of the lungs and are standing right behind you

    the elder who prays for god to help his wife (from the platform) but never prays about anyone else

    late elders, elders who didn't know they had a part till they walked in the door

  • serenitynow!

    "My favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point I am thinking of."

    Yeah, this dude conducted a book study in my hall. In the greatest man book, he did this. So irritating. He really enjoyed it when anything sexual was being mentioned. One day he had people just listing off all the sex acts that constituted porneia. He would just grin, he was absolutely giddy. Sickenning.

  • dgp


  • rockmehardplace

    people who would loudly whisper comments into their kid's ear while the kid was repeating the comment during the book study or wt. then the whole congregation would run over and say how wonderfull little brother so and so or little sister so and so was. great, so your kid can repeat what you say.

  • serenitynow!

    Also the overly long answer, basically "look at me, I'm very knowledgable". Honestly, that person was often my mother.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Long-winded comments that went on and on. Especially when I was holding the mic for them.

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