Does anyone know anything about this?
JoinedPosts by Freedom
Is e-watchman planning another mailing campaign?
by Freedom indoes anyone know anything about this?
agape, .
don't ya think it's a rotten trick?
by zaphod in.
i've always thought that it was a rotten trick for god to create us with free will and then punish us for using it.. wha'd'ya think?
Quote: i've always thought that it was a rotten trick for god to create us with free will and then punish us for using it.
Would you rather be a robot?
freedom -
Jesus Completely Fullfilled the 70th Week
by Ianone injesus fulfilled .
god's timetable .
by david vaughn elliott.
Dear Friends,
Interesting discussion on the passages of Daniel. When I read them, I have a little different understanding.
In verse 27 it says "he" will keep the covenant in force for one week. I am understanding this to be the covenant made with the Jews at Mt. Sinai. Jehovah was the other half of the covenant with the Jews, so only he would have the power to keep the covenant in force.
Jehovah kept the covenant in force for 1 week, or seven years. The seven years began with the beginning of Christ's anointing in 29 CE...Messiah was cut off in the half week...then the Sinai covenant became obsolete in 36 CE. At that time, Cornelius became the first Jewish convert, and with that, ALL of mankind had the opportunity to become part of spiritual Israel.
I know this is traditional JW theology, but I think they are right in this instance.
freedom -
Evil Lives Monday, April 11, 2005
by apocalypse inevil lives
monday, april 11, 2005
-if ever in your mind you wonder as to whether the leadership at watchtower has some level of sincerity, or perhaps as you move deeper into your pursuit of the real truth, you find yourself having doubts that you are doing the right thing in "doubting" the watchtower ?then read on.
Apocolypse, you have a very keen eye...driving home the extreme importance of always, always checking scripture. Watchtower's bubble is about to burst. Don't be standing anywhere nearby. freedom
When the Society started to derail? - I love history
by amen inthis was taken from the original group of russel.. how truth are these comments?
the watchtower is into apostacy.. any new one who still believes in the watchtower should take a look at this.. .
Dear Friends,
Should we assume that the nation of Israel was not in a relationship with Jehovah because they were apostate most of the time?
Freedom -
The Pope and JW Urban Legend
by xjw_b12 indoes anyone remember pope john paul i ?
he was elected in 1978, and died 33 days later, leading the way for pope john paul ii.
(now maybe that was a conspiracy)
Dear Kenneson, Actually, I think WT is worse than nominal Christendom. Christendom never hid what they were doing or condemned the UN. WT rightly identified the UN as the organization that will stand opposed to God's kingdom. Their hypocrisy is unforgivable in Jehovah's eyes. Agape, freedom
Explain Faithful and Discreet Slave Class
by EvilForce in"faithful and discreet slave class" ...... here is my explaination of: .
hmm, yes it's tough being a slave class isnt' it?
hang out in fat pad in new york city, not have to do any real work.
Dear Evil Force, The Bible says there is a faithful slave and a evil slave. (Matt. 24:45) It seems that the wicked slave has given the faithful slave a bad name. Jesus will straighten it out when he judges them. Agape, freedom
The Pope and JW Urban Legend
by xjw_b12 indoes anyone remember pope john paul i ?
he was elected in 1978, and died 33 days later, leading the way for pope john paul ii.
(now maybe that was a conspiracy)
Dear xjw, You mentioned that the pope might have been killed off because he wanted reform. Maybe the kind of reform that pope was looking for wasn't in keeping with supporting the one-world government, which was supported and promoted by the current pope. When the League of Nations was founded, Christendom said that it was the political expression of God's Kingdom on earth. I don't think that idea has changed at all. Look at how many churches and world religions support the UN as NGO's. Agape, freedom
Will reading CoC automatically make me want to leave WTS?
by ljwtiamb insince i am still active (somewhat).
i have not read the book and you know what the org says about it.
will crisis of conscience surely send me into a tailspin?
Dear Sheri, Thanks for your question. I found Ray's book confirmational to some of the things I had questioned for a long time, but I also see his book as a vendetta. The first edition was published in 1983 which is just a few years after he was disfellowshipped, and wrongly disfellowshipped, in my opinion. Alot of the material in the book (Society letters, etc.)are probably considered confidential, so what I am saying is that he either had inside help collecting pertinent information, or he planned on writing his expose when his problems first began (prior to his disfellowshipping) and immediately began collecting the information he needed. The book didn't shake my confidence in Jehovah, it just exposed more sins of Watchtower. Jah will deal with them for sure. Agape, freedom
Will reading CoC automatically make me want to leave WTS?
by ljwtiamb insince i am still active (somewhat).
i have not read the book and you know what the org says about it.
will crisis of conscience surely send me into a tailspin?
Dear Friends, I am almost finished reading CoC, and I must say that it removes the mysticism surrounding the GB. Ray Franz certainly included alot of WT material in his book, which makes me wonder how long in advance he had been collecting it... Agape, freedom