I used to listen to the WT discourage us from listening to music that had the name Satan in them.
I just checked the Sing Praises song book, and guess what? The Name Satan is in there 30 times!!!
We had to sing the name Satan @ the KH, I remember one song was changed as the light got brighter with regard to demons!
(w86 10/15 23-4 Praising Jehovah With Music) with kind permission of the WT
Improvement in Thought Content
As the light shining on Gods truth became ever brighter in harmony with Proverbs 4:18, it was found necessary to change songs that had been in previous songbooks. That was true with the current Song 215. In 1974 we came to understand that Noahs ark pictured our spiritual paradise, not the Kingdom. (See The Watchtower, 1974, page 634.) So the line in the older songbook Flee at once to the ark of salvation, To the Kingdom of God that is here! was changed to Act at once! Make a full dedication; Serve the that is here.
Among other refinements in the interest of accuracy are the following: In the new system of things, there will be no more evils to dread, rather than no more demons to dread, for Gods people do not dread demons. (Song 129) In line with Jesus words at Matthew 6:22, Song 26 admonishes us to keep our eye simple rather than our sight single.
In several instances a certain melody was given a new set of words that appeared to be more effective and useful. Song 60, Gods Kingdom of a Thousand Years, uses the melody of Song 86 in the previous songbook. The lyrics for Song 2, Obeying God Rather Than Men, are an expansion of those of former Song 79. It seemed that this theme deserved a full page rather than a half page.