freeman...We are on the same wavelength. I just started posting one page posters entitled, "There are Child Molesters in your Neighborhood." It tells of the Dateline show and has the 800# & SilentLambs website on it. I've posted them everywhere the dubs go including their favorite laundromats. telephone poles next to schools,etc., and if they tear them down I'm right back there. In some cases I put them inside the mags so if some unsuspecting person picks 'em up they'll see the poster. It's fun. I ride my bike all over town, different neighborhoods and I just discovered that if you offer them to some of the churches, they'll put them on their church bulletin board. That way, hundreds of people get the message at church. I don't bad mouth the dubbies, just mention Dateline and Time magazine to give authenticity and then say to find out more about the thousands of abused children and their ludicrous policy, contact 800# & website. I think I'll post the church idea because it seems to work well and has the potential to reach lots of people who will give them grief when they come a knockin'.