Loosie, why must the sound you heard be immediately perceived as the voice of a dead relative?
I didn't immediately think it was my brother. it was a few days later that I put it all together. After I heard the voice I looked all around me no one was around... I thought how odd. I noted the time on my watch... and tried to converse with the voice... but nothing more was said.
20 mins after I heard the voice my dad left a voicemail about my uncle dying. a few days later It seemed to me that my brother was coming by to get my uncle.
Another time I was out with my daughter one summer night we were driving to get some ice cream from teh baskin robbins we had in town. I was in the left hand turn lane the light turned green, I remained stopped. I thought to myself why aren't I going the light is green, no one was in the intersection, yet I couldn't remove my foot from the brake. Then to my left a car ran the red light and passed right in front of me. he would have smashed the side of my car. There were no other cars around this was 10:30 at night, and I didn't have my cell phone with me. After the idiot sped away I pulled over to the gas station to calm down.
Now I can't say what happened, why I didn't take the green light. The only member of my family that had passed at that time was my son 9 years earlier.. My friend says god was watching out for me. I don't buy that. Because why was I or my daughter so special for this (so called) great spirit in the sky to watch out for us... when I am sure worse crimes were happening somewhere in the world that he could have been preventing.
So I do look for a rational explanation first... but when there is none what do you do?