If you're dating the son of a JW who has already been "studying" for a year, one suggestion might be for you to get a copy of the book Crisis of Conscience written by Raymond Franz, a former member of the Governing Body (at the WT Society), and nephew of former WT Prez Fred Franz. He was involved in the inner workings of this cult and he left due to a "crisis of conscience", regarding the constantly changing teachings of this cult as well as how the "leadership" didn't care one iota about how THEIR decisions (not based upon Bible principles) adversely affected millions of lives of the members who tried to follow THEIR rules!
If your b/f would read it (they're not allowed to read anything that is "apostate" or says anything negative about their religion/cult/organization) it would provide a real Eye Opener for him of this mind-control cult. I don't look at it as apostate writing, I consider it an autobiography of Raymond Franz, and a very worthy, high-quality, informative autobiography!!!! Out of 5 stars, I give it a 10-star rating! VERY worthwhile reading!!! Even if your b/f won't read it, then you should..... then you'll realize that you need to get as far away from him and that cult as possible!