OUTLAW-------Ian's story was one of the first I read on JWD. It broke my heart! It still breaks my heart that one of his daughters still keeps her distance from her family. WHY? Because she is OBEYING the Org. over honoring her father. I imagine that the only way she can truly accomplish this task is by keeping her ARMOR up. For her to drop it, even for a second to ask her father how he is, to show the one moment of compassion, could mean the difference between obeying her GOD and showing LOVE for her father. While it makes me sad that his daughter has made this choice, I do think there is goodness in her, in most people. I hope that this elder truly does have some good in him. I hope he had a moment of compassion. I hope his compassion grows. I hope he begins to display the fruitage of the SPIRIT, one step at a time. You never know how Ians comment affected him. I hope it was a moment of clarity for him. If not........