This one ranged all over the place. I post these because I am hoping someone can give me additional advice.
WIFE: Why didn't you want to read the Daily Text to the kids?
ME: Because it said that Christians shouldn't help others because they will just get sick and die again, and only God's Kingdom can help people permanently.
WIFE: Well, isn't that true?
ME: What? No. Jesus healed people resurrected them, etc. even though he knew they'd get sick and die again, right?
WIFE: Yes. The text acknowledged that, but said that Jesus' main work was preaching.
ME: So you're saying that you agree with the Society's opinion that we shouldn't do any charitable works, that helping people "in this system" is pointless, because only the Kingdom can save people permanently?
WIFE: Well...
ME (interrupting): We are helped out by <such and such a charitable service which I cannot disclose at this time>, what if they all became Witnesses? Who would help people in <specified situation>? Do you not appreciate that help?
WIFE: Yes, I do.
ME: So only non-Witnesses should help people other than Kingdom preaching? And Jehovah will destroy them for that?
WIFE: We don't know who will be destroyed and who will live at Armageddon.
ME: The Society says they do. They say only baptized Witnesses and their dependent children will survive.
WIFE: Well, I was talking about this with my mom [also a Witness]. We really don't know.
ME: Wrong. The Society really does say they know. I can prove it [she has learned that when I say this, there is no point in disagreeing because I will have the citations at hand]. The only uncertainty the Society allows in this equation is that perhaps not all baptized Witnesses will make it. Certainly not that some "worldly" people will.
WIFE: The Bible really isn't conclusive on that point, though.
ME: Saying that makes you an apostate. How do you like being an apostate? Why don't you go tell that to the elders and see what they think?
WIFE: STOP IT! You are just trying to tear down my faith. You always do this right before meetings.
ME: Okay, A, who brought this up? And B, this tears down your faith in what? The Society's interpretations? Or the Bible and God? Which faith is more important?
KIDS: [interrupt]
...Just thought I'd share that little exchange. Fun times were had by all.