ahhhh....Jim Pellechia-one of my all time favorite CO's from my teen years. He was really a good guy. Now I believe he is in public relations @ headquarters.
i had to twist some arms to get this book.... "the sword and the spirit (jehovah's witnesses expose the 3rd reich)" - wtbts (1997):.
i'll just list what the book says about itself on page 3:.
"this is the text of the slide lecture presented at the united states holocaust museum, washington d.c., by james n. pellechia, associate editor of awake!
ahhhh....Jim Pellechia-one of my all time favorite CO's from my teen years. He was really a good guy. Now I believe he is in public relations @ headquarters.
i'm kind of curious what the guys and the ladies on this board have to say on this topic.
Romantic love means.......foreplay starts when you wake up. Its how you treat your loved one each and every moment of the day. Its a smile, a flower, a hug. It is how you interact with one another on a positive level, how you solve differences, how you care for each others each and every need. It is intimacy on every level, not just a sexual one.
just my $.02
the producer from dateline called us to make sure we would be at the march on the 27th.
they are sending a film crew to cover it and i hope there will be a nice turnout to represent all who have had watchtower imposing silence of their sexual abuse.
they may do a follow up to their earlier program that aired last spring.
I do indeed hope they cover the march, as well as do a followup on the Dateline program. I intend to attend the march on the 27th. This issue needs to be further publicized as the WTS continues to blind its followers as well as the public as to their policies.
Edited by - BoozeRunner on 18 September 2002 1:52:6
after dinner with trotafox tonight i drove home through ft lauderdale on a1a.
i had forgotten how much i love this stretch of road.
just driving it with all the people out and the clubs on your left, live music, people dancing and having fun, and then 30 ft or so to your right is the great atlantic ocean.
Venice.......MUAHSSSSSS!!!! Great post!
just been given this watchtower and found the 2nd study article very interesting..... is this the societies damage control to panorama and dateline?.
para 8 onwards says...... 8 satan tries to break our integrity through the sowing of doubts about what we have been taught.
today, as in the first century, apostates and others seek to destroy the faith of the guideless ones.
Notice this contradiction:
And instead of questioning Gods Word, how much wiser it is to have the attitude of the first-century Bereans who examined the Scriptures closely! (Acts 17:10,11)
How can you sincerely examine without questioning what you are being told? Sadly, crap like this wont even faze the average DUB!!
it is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.
2. it is important to find a woman that makes good money.
3. it is important to find a woman that likes to have sex.
Bee, then YOU are a complete woman, as are MANY women out there.
I can fulfill at least 2 of 3 of your requirements(I wont tell you which 2) LOL.Boozy
it is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.
2. it is important to find a woman that makes good money.
3. it is important to find a woman that likes to have sex.
Bee.....my apologies to you and anyone offended by this bit of humor. As I said earlier, it was emailed to me by a woman who found it humorous as well. I just thought I'd share it here for a laugh.
it is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.
2. it is important to find a woman that makes good money.
3. it is important to find a woman that likes to have sex.
YIKES!!! Wheres the sense of humor ladies? LOL
basically, this is my take on it.
this isn't intended to start a flame war between believer's and non-believer's of god.. god creates angels.
god creates man.
Hello all. There are some good questions raised here.
1. If Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", then there was no "right" to "free will" at that time. They were to do as they were told.
Q.What does that make the "Creator" spoken of in the Bible?
A. A megalomaniacle god who requires drones for worshippers.
2. Having been described as slaying countless sinful humans, why let the "chief instigator", Satan, continue living, and living "HERE" causing problems for humans who had NOTHING to do with the original sin? For the sake of some moronic "legal case" to prove his "right-to-rule"? Also, if the "angels" can watch from the heavens, why cant satan and his folowers do the same from another vantage point?
I dont know just how much I believe from my life in the Borg, but it makes less sense as time goes by.
it is important to find a woman that cooks and cleans.
2. it is important to find a woman that makes good money.
3. it is important to find a woman that likes to have sex.
LMAO...I just thoughjt it was funny...It was sent to me by a WOMAN!!!!
Actually, I prefer if ALL THREE can fulfill all requirements...LMAO!!!
UH OH, did I just warrant ANOTHER SLAP???