Blondie, I will be happy to when she returns from Mexico. Her mother is in very bad health and Erica is there helping her.
JoinedPosts by borgfree
News from Silentlambs on Erica Garza (Washington State)
by blondie inrecent newsletter from updates.
i wanted to give a couple of updates for silentlambs and let everyone know we are busy behind the scenes.
new reports come in everyday and many are being helped with their situations.
News from Silentlambs on Erica Garza (Washington State)
by blondie inrecent newsletter from updates.
i wanted to give a couple of updates for silentlambs and let everyone know we are busy behind the scenes.
new reports come in everyday and many are being helped with their situations.
Just fyi, this is not over yet.
To the people of Spain
by Amazing1914 in.
this terrible event in your land saddens us all ... i am sorry that those responsible are likely doing this to get revenge upon your nation for its support of the united kingdom, the usa and other coalition of nations devoted to the war on terror ... you and your loved ones killed so tragically are in our thoughts and prayers ... your natioin is honored among us all ... and may you heal from this as quickly as possible.
I will apologize Amazing1914 for using your thread for this, but, after reading it, I am so angry I just cannot avoid expressing my thoughts and feelings about some of the posts on this thread as well as similar threads over the past few years that I have been a member of this forum.
I have not posted for a while because I was tired of the anti-American and especially anti-Christian sentiments prevalent on this forum. This will be my last post.
I will give a few examples of the reason for my anger.
Maybe if the nations simply stop jerking around with people's lives things will get better.
Perhaps if someone seizes control of the USA and makes it behave, things will get better.
Stop assuming that America is gods blessed land, you are his chosen people and you even have a clue what the answers are, never mind what your contribution to the problem is.
Your "solution" of seizing control is exactly why we have the mess we have now.
I did not want to use this thread to get the point over, as I have the utmost empathy for the Spanish people. However I agree with Simon, we must stop fuelling the hate.
My message for the terrorists is, dont bomb us..... we are the victims here also, perhaps we can vote our government out without you having to kill us.
But, you do not mind fueling the terrorists!
I don't like your countries politics and, you know what? Neither do most people. That includes your allies. People do not have great confidence or trust in the US.
Something to think about and quite an amazing thing your guy has achieved - in a couple of years he has pissed away all the sympathy of Sep 11 to the point where most people do not like or trust the US. Great job huh?!
You seem to think you speak for the people of the world. I will reserve judgment as to whether or not Americans dislike our President?s politics until after the coming election.
As for the sympathy of people who think like you, keep it!
Thank you Simon. I can safely say that I totally agree with ya.
I think you are an American; I am ashamed that you are.
There are other examples on the rest of the thread but I will end here.
I am proud to be a Christian!
I am proud to be an American!
I am proud to be a conservative!
I am proud of our country?s past, present, and future!
I am proud of the standards our country once held dear, and I think they will be restored!
I am in the wrong place!
Please remove as much of any membership I have from this forum, as it is possible to remove.
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.
After I left the WT, I began to seen reasons why the WT was an anti-Christ as well as a false prophet, evil slave and most of the other bad characters spoken of in the Bible.
Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist?he denies the Father and the Son. 1John 2:22
but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. 1 John 4:3
Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2 John 1:7
I believe, as do most Christians, that Jesus is God, I think one BIG way the WT proves to be anti-Christ is by denying the Godly nature of Jesus.
If Jesus is in fact God, their denying Him is a huge factor.
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.
Grace, I talked to Dan last week, he mentioned trying to get online soon. I want to call him this week so we can get together, maybe this weekend. I do not know any date yet, but I will let you know asap.
You broke my heart, you are not staying with me? and, he is fixing you up with Sybil? This is just more than I can stand. I think I will go to San Francisco and look at bridges.
You may be able to take Amtrak, but be sure to allow lots of time, crossing the countries on a train will require several days, flying will take about 5 hours each way.
I love my new home, palm trees in the front yard, roses growing outside where I work, my drive to work is about 6 1/2 miles each way on one street, palms along the way on each side of the street. My guess is, back in my former home, Ohio, the weather is not so great.
My job is not all that I would like, but it has promise for the near future. I like it anyway, except the schedule.
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.
Just yanking your chain a little Grace.
Dan always comes up with things like that. Like the one where he showed us, from the Watchtower, the society was calling the JWs cockroaches.
The Revealer has been very demanding on Dan's time, etc. He needs to get online, I think he can do a Revealer type thing on a web site.
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.
Very Good Grace. .......You trying to be a Dan Hall?
Mouthy is not feeling well...
by invictus inwe just returned from visiting mouthy- she is not feeling well -her back is "out "since friday, and she is in so much pain she can hardly walk.
she is still a trooper,doesn`t complain much but it is obvious it is not easy for her.. she is not able to post much right now because she needs to lie down and rest,but she sends all of you lots of hugs and kisses.with her permission i am writting this, so if someone would like to send her some get well thoughts it would be much appreciated.. thank you all.. get well soon dear grace , we love you very much.
invictus and family
It was NOT on account of me having sex
I only meant, the position you were in in that picture, may have caused a back problem. hmmmmmm, now I am starting to wonder.......
Mouthy is not feeling well...
by invictus inwe just returned from visiting mouthy- she is not feeling well -her back is "out "since friday, and she is in so much pain she can hardly walk.
she is still a trooper,doesn`t complain much but it is obvious it is not easy for her.. she is not able to post much right now because she needs to lie down and rest,but she sends all of you lots of hugs and kisses.with her permission i am writting this, so if someone would like to send her some get well thoughts it would be much appreciated.. thank you all.. get well soon dear grace , we love you very much.
invictus and family
Hi Grace, Sorry you are having back problems (see my email for possible reason) Hope you feel much better real soon.
We have snow today UGH! love to you all.
I think I remember that stuff.
Watchtower covers - competition.
by dmouse inthis is in the jokes and humour section, so if you are easily offended by jokes and humour please leave now.
ok all you clever jwd computer bods, how about a competition to create the most amusing or thought provoking watchtower cover?.
here is the original cover:.
Can't get the picture to show up. It works when I prepare it but disappears when I submit.