You say:
JT: I know what the publications say, and you quoting a sentence here and there does not prove anything.
Isn't that exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses do when they quote the bible? One thing I learned, when I was leaving the WT org., is that, if I read the entire context of the scriptures, used by the JWs, the scriptures sometimes said just the opposite of what the JWs claimed they said.
You have stated, I believe, in earlier posts, that the bible is the authority of JWs, that all teachings must agree with the bible. Do you believe that statement is true? If so, do you read the bible more than you read Watchtower publications?
If you are serious about the bible being the most important authority to you, and all JWs, wouldn't it make sense to read it more than anything else? including WT literature?
I would guess that you would answer, but Jehovah deals with us through the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" Sorry, you cannot use that excuse, you said earlier that everyone must answer to "Jehovah of Armies" and I said, and will repeat, you cannot then, shove the responsibility off onto them, or anyone else. You must stand before God and give the reasons why you believe as you do, why you act on your beliefs as you do, and why you persecute others as you do.