The BBC here in Britain a few years ago, done a documentary which exposed the cover ups that the Jehovah Witnesses have been doing for years concerning child molesting. They stated in the programme that the Watchtower headquarters, (you all know the place, where a bunch of old senile men dwell, calling themselves the so-called governing body, eluding themselves of any truth and light), have on their files up to 30.000 known peadaphiles throughout America and Europe. The programme challenges the Witnesses to sue them if they are lying, but all the Witnesses could do was to send out a secret letter to all the so-called elders informing them about the programme and making sure that the congregation tow the party line. Even when there were court cases over here, where Witnesses were sent to jail, with clear evidence, they still made it out that it was the childrens fault. The programme was made by Panorama, a world renouned documentary maker. It made me laugh, that one of the interviewers went to the assembly in America, all dressed up like a Witness, and actually got to speak to one of the senile governing body members, she had a hidden camera and mic. He said, there has to be two Witnesses to any event. How can a young child get a friend in to witness her mummy or daddy molesting her? How brainwashed they are. Satans tools, and he`s using them, remember, be careful of those who come to you (JW`S) in sheeps clothing, for inside they are satanic wolves. Take care
JoinedPosts by davidfrost
Berry girls case: Analysis of case law favorable to the WTS
by loveis inok, just to play devil's advocate for a minute here (or, now for our weekly session of classroom law on court tv .
posted below is a past new hampshire supreme court case that is very favorable to the wts position in the berry girls' case, and has surely been cited by them big time in their briefs (it was mentioned briefly by wts lawyer donald gardner in the audio, which has been posted on these boards several times, of the oral argument session before the nh supreme court.
laws 1971, 531:2. in 1973, the penalty section was amended to provide that a violation would constitute a misdemeanor.
a humble prayer from Women who suffered in Spiritual paradise .....
by anuva in.
may be the inevitable happened , my girlfrind surgically cut me down to ..nothing, by saying , jehovahs witness can never do a thing against bible and god, .
i am gettting ....information from wrong sources.......and she reduced to ashes 2 years to deep love and affection , by saying ....i am worldly ...i am against god and bad..... i am sorry jgnat i choose to be overoptimistic when u told me about that meaning of ..poem ...."amends" and hard hitting stuff about 'apostates' during christmas time.. i still beleive that there is some life leftin me to try ..may be she comes to sense..she may understand... a girl so kind and loving ..... rejected by mother ....and abused sexually by father ....taken as maid by grandmother as maid.....preyed upon by jw love bombing...during her troubled teen years ..... i thought my selfless love will win her from chains....but i have almost thrown out .... may i request from some women who may if they like to help me can write to her email , cause maybe hearing from a former jw may help her realize the truth....that i was not lying..... please pm me ..i need help for sake of truth.. anuva- sad and down ....but still trying to work up ..
Dear friend, Get her to read my posting on the 1/1/2005, which clearly shows all the false dates, and the books from which they come from and even the page numbers. And if she`s got a good heart she`ll see the truth. Take care, David
Only One Religion's WebSite Ignores the Desaster in South Asia
by GermanXJW into whatever religion's website you surf, all have a comment on the tsunami in south asia: be it catholic, protestant, adventist, mormon, new apostolic or whatever.
they try to give comfort and encourage people to donate for the suffering people there.
but if you go to or there is no mention of it (at least by now).
Hi Edge, You forgot a couple other dates that the false prophets, Jehovah Witnesses, have used for either the start of the end of the age or the actual end of the age. In 1798, they said that the start of the last days or the 1260 days of revelation 12 would end at that date, this was found in the three worlds book of 1877, page 114. It was replaced by 1889 in the studies in the scriptures. Other dates they`ve used 1844, in studies of scriptures book page 240, this date was abandoned in the 1930`s, 1874, the start of the invisible presence, this was Russell`s most important date, again found in the three worlds book page 175, or our Lords return page 27. Russell taught this to around 1904, where Russell thought that this year would mark a start of the battle of armageddon, Watchtower 1/15/92, page 21-23, but in the reprint page 1355, SIS page 101. The end of the world 1914, then changed to Christ`s invisible return in 1914 and the start of his reign. This false teaching would keep going until November 1995, Watchtower 11/1/1995, page 17. Also change to the creators promise about the end of the world would come before the 1914 generation would die. They had the cheek to say that this was Yahwehs promise, if that isn`t blasphemy, I don`t know what is. This really makes them false prophets. But back to 1915, they stated the end of the world from 1912 until the start of WW1, this year replaced 1914 in Russells writings in SIS 7, in 1918 they said false religions, especially christendom to be destroyed, they said demons would enter the minds of the clergy. In the book SIS 7, page 128, and 485 then in 1920 they predicted worldwide anarchy and the collapse and fall of earthly governments in the book SIS page 258. In 1925, they claim the end of the world was immediately following the resurrection of men young and old in the book Millions, page 88 & 97, and in the WT magazine 6/15/1922 and also 4/1/1923 and in the book Vindication page 338. Again in 1941 they claimed WW2 was expected to end in armageddon. WT 9/15/1941, page 288. And of course then 1975, and going back to 1925, they actually bought an house in America for the resurrected prophets, with a swimming pool as well, they sold this secretly when it all failed to come true. And even in 1986 they thought the end was coming because the United Nations declared it the year of peace. WT 10/1/1985 page 18. Even in the year 2000 they stated in 1989 that the work of preaching would be completed in the 20th century, it was stated in the WT, 1/1/1989 page 12, but they did change it in their bound volumes to make the text say something different, but you can find it again in WT 10/15/1980 page 31. They have even hinted at the year 2034 stating that Noah preached 120 years, so clinging to a false date of 1914, you can see how they get 2034. Quoting from their own Awake magazine, talking about false prophets, they stated in the Awake magazine, October the 8th 1968 page 23, that people who made false dates and they dates did not come true, they said with bare faced cheek, and I quote, "The end did not come, they were guilty of false prophesying, why? What was missing?" Missing from such people were Yahweh`s truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them. THIS IS CERTAINLY TRUE OF THE SO CALLED GOVERNING BODY OF JEHOVAH`S WITNESSES, THEY ARE FASLE PROPHETS AND THEIR OWN TEACHINGS CONDEMNS THEM
Only One Religion's WebSite Ignores the Desaster in South Asia
by GermanXJW into whatever religion's website you surf, all have a comment on the tsunami in south asia: be it catholic, protestant, adventist, mormon, new apostolic or whatever.
they try to give comfort and encourage people to donate for the suffering people there.
but if you go to or there is no mention of it (at least by now).
i wish the jw's would close down for good and stop killing people with their insane teachings which are not based on the bible, watch out for those who come to you in sheeps clothing ,for inside they are watchtower wolves. tihs to me is a clear warning, for our day
Only One Religion's WebSite Ignores the Desaster in South Asia
by GermanXJW into whatever religion's website you surf, all have a comment on the tsunami in south asia: be it catholic, protestant, adventist, mormon, new apostolic or whatever.
they try to give comfort and encourage people to donate for the suffering people there.
but if you go to or there is no mention of it (at least by now).
hi there friend, your so right. The JW`S are not interested in aid relief, but they are so grateful for their charitable status and all the money that, that brings in, hypocrites, but we all know that. We all know they abandoned secret links with the UN back in 2001, but hey whats new with satans cult and a bunch of senile old men at the top and their new date for the end of world, 2034 from 1914, 40 years from 1914, tying it in with Noah`s preaching, that`ll bring in a few more dollars from the gullable. Take care for now. David