Hello and Welcome!!!
hi everyone, my name is melissa.this site is the best!
i used to be a member on this forum a couple years ago, but have since list all my past information.
but alas, i have returned.
Hello and Welcome!!!
i guess some things are meant to be.
"it's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along"....why are we always outta sync with what our heart really wants.
why is it so hard to do the right thing sometimes?.
Hi Hill!
First I want to give you a hug!!!!
I know that our choices in life take us to a place where we beginto think and feel more or less of a situtation. Some times emotions can be so srong it makes us question them. All I can say is be true to yourself! Do what you truely feel you need to make you complete as a person. I don't think we should ever put our feelings on a back burner. Timing can sometimes be cruel and heartless..but at the same time have the power to heal in a very powerfull way. Do what is best for you!!! but always way the others who are involved. You should never feel like you owe someone your feelings....but you do owe them to be honest!
ok it has been a little bit since there was a fluffy post by p2..so here it goes!.
i have been thinking the last few months about family,friends and what role they take in my life.i have a good circle of people where i live but many do not understand my need to be who i am and to just live life and not give a hoot what anyone else feels the right or wrong way should be.
i live my life based on what i feel is right for myself and my kids...not what most would feel as the norm.
Maybe that friendship was at its purest because as a young person you are pure. I think many times as adults we complicate or lives and our feelings become more intense. Experiences make us hide what we feel or how we react to people around us. People who are true and pure I believe stay with us and become part of who you are.
ok it has been a little bit since there was a fluffy post by p2..so here it goes!.
i have been thinking the last few months about family,friends and what role they take in my life.i have a good circle of people where i live but many do not understand my need to be who i am and to just live life and not give a hoot what anyone else feels the right or wrong way should be.
i live my life based on what i feel is right for myself and my kids...not what most would feel as the norm.
TY Ticker you are cool too!!!
You will find the more you look the better friends you can have.
ok it has been a little bit since there was a fluffy post by p2..so here it goes!.
i have been thinking the last few months about family,friends and what role they take in my life.i have a good circle of people where i live but many do not understand my need to be who i am and to just live life and not give a hoot what anyone else feels the right or wrong way should be.
i live my life based on what i feel is right for myself and my kids...not what most would feel as the norm.
Well James thank you:
I think you really did see what I was meaning....A friend does not have to be a physical part of our lives .
Mind, body and spirit.
A person can be in our lives in so many diffrent ways.....A still take a part of it to thier soul.
Many times we put conditions on our epectation for others and if we just learn to openly expand our minds to the possiblities to share oursleves with others...We can open our lives to so many new experiences!
A kind hand and heart can change our lives forever!
you ever have that time... that week where just everything goes right?.
this is the week.
i love life..
HUGS FOR FMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok it has been a little bit since there was a fluffy post by p2..so here it goes!.
i have been thinking the last few months about family,friends and what role they take in my life.i have a good circle of people where i live but many do not understand my need to be who i am and to just live life and not give a hoot what anyone else feels the right or wrong way should be.
i live my life based on what i feel is right for myself and my kids...not what most would feel as the norm.
Ok It has been a little bit since there was a fluffy post by P2..So here it goes!
I have been thinking the last few months about family,friends and what role they take in my life.I have a good circle of people where I live but many do not understand my need to be who I am and to just live life and not give a hoot what anyone else feels the right or wrong way should be. I live my life based on what I feel is right for myself and my kids...not what most would feel as the norm. In many ways I ask for the same things everyone does..Respect....Love....Honesty...Kindness....and true motivation to be ourselves.
So is the saying true...we can pick our friends...not our family?
And if so what is a true friend to you?
This is what it means to me!
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the nicest things you can be,
A friend is a living treasure, and if you have oneyou have one of the most valuable gifts in life.
A friend is the one who will always be beside you,through all the laughter and through each and every tear.
A friend is the one thing you can always rely on, the someone you can open up to, the one wonderful person who always belives in you in a way no one else seems to.
A freind is a hand that is always holding yours,no matter how close or far apart you may be.
A friend is someone who is always there and who always cares.
A friend is a feeling of forever in your heart.
A friend is the one door that is always open.
A friend is the one to whom you can give your key.
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the nicest things you can be.
hello my friends hope u r all well?
what i would like the poeple know in the chat room of a night i would like u to know that 1) i have a learning promblem 2) im not a good speller as sum 1 really hurt & upset me last in the room & im thinking of leaving cos of this person 3) my parents died now im living with my foster parents i call then both mom & dad as they have been very good to me 3) i have got abit of dyxsile so if no 1 wants to help me then please dont talk behind my back if u have sum thing to say....post me a message 4) i do belive in god & all im asking is for sum help 2 help me on my travels thank u 4 listening angel.
Hi Angel and Welcome!
I know people can be funny without understanding and that truely is lack of understanding and Love! I left Chat because of how you were treated and am very sorry if anyone hurt you!
If you need to talk feel free to ask!
hey cowboy: .
i felt compelled to warn you about valis.
he is always acting all girl crazy and all that on the board but he let something slip tonight in chat.
Happy B DAY!!!!!!
there has been a few new to board so what's one more?
i've been reading the board for a few weeks and i'm impressed at the amount of research that goes into many of postings.
there are two topics that really get me going, one is "607 bce".