I truly can say how I feel right now...wouldn't be the best advise.
What I would say from experience is comunicate...ask questions be honest...then listen to what you know best!
YOU!!!!!.....what makes you happy!....and what you feel!
okay, i know this is personal, but i kind of like the annoninimity of the board versus asking my friends who are all also friends with my husband.. my husband went out of the country with a group from work this weekend.
i was supposed to go but had to cancel due to other stuff.
it turned out only 4 ended up going, my husband, a guy, and two women.
I truly can say how I feel right now...wouldn't be the best advise.
What I would say from experience is comunicate...ask questions be honest...then listen to what you know best!
YOU!!!!!.....what makes you happy!....and what you feel!
just though i'd share a picture of my new child.
her name is hoshi.
isn't she adorable?.
AWWWWWWW kiss kiss!
Too Cute!!!!!!!
and i think the guy upstairs is prolly 'awake' now!
Norah Jones here!!!!
well my dear and trusted friends on this most esteemed forum...i would like you to meet my newest addition..."freedom frog".
he now graces my right arm and has been adopted into my family of frog tattoos.
(gizmo, on my left front leg above my ankle and flipper, another little frog above my right ankle, but to the side).
Spark TY!!!!
well my dear and trusted friends on this most esteemed forum...i would like you to meet my newest addition..."freedom frog".
he now graces my right arm and has been adopted into my family of frog tattoos.
(gizmo, on my left front leg above my ankle and flipper, another little frog above my right ankle, but to the side).
ok I hope this works!
ok jesika and i started this in chat so here it goes,.
you know your an apostate when..........worldy is a word used for your friends.
you now your an apostate when ............your parents call after five years....and say anything new!.
Ok Jesika and I started this in chat so here it goes,
You know your an apostate when..........worldy is a word used for your friends
You now your an apostate when ............your parents call after five years....and say anything new!
You know your an apostate when...........you see a dud at you door and you get it with a smoke in hand and rollers in your hair!
when i wrote my ?swan song?
?i promised updates, and at this point in my life, i?d like to share a few.
I just wanted to say I agree: life can sometimes make things so complex that we loose sight of what we need. This is a lesson I have recently learned. The ones we love can be so many diffrent things, but that true feeling of being loved is the most valued gift that we could share. I hope all is well and wish you true and balanced love for life!
yall... i just was talking with arrowstar... she is sans job right now... .
she told me that she is eating saltines and ranch dressing.. okay... i _know_ there's a boatload of ex-jws up there in dallas... yall think it might be possible to get her some real food?.
also - if anyone knows of a job opening that she might qualify for... could yall get in touch with her - and let her know?.
Valis could you pm me and let me know if I can stiil give a hand?
Arrow ((((((HUGS))))))
ok, loosing my damnable mind over here.
i have not smoked today and i am ready to climb the walls....so, with that said, is it just me?....
or is it this irritability frustration that could be solved with some "cuddling?
Sparkplug.......I tried to quit before Xmas and I just about made it! It really is hard....I do want to quit but have tried the patch.....omg headaches!!!!!
Then there is the happy go lucky P2 when quiting.......more like Get the **** out of my way!
I wish there was a magic thing I could tell ya...I would try it too...but for some reason cinnamon gum helped!
scully's happy easter got me thinking about easter baskets and easter candy.
those cadbury eggs are just the best, like a pure jolt of sugar and the fake yolk and white is just too cool.
what are your favorite easter candies?
I love just watching my kids!!!!
I hide the eggs wat to good....even if I do it in the dark....I love holidays!!!
As for candy...P2 can't eat chocolate....,,,,,I made up for that with jelly beans!
So I just make sure the kids have fun!!!