Zman...Great Avatar. Who took that photo.."aposta dude?"
JoinedPosts by Sparkplug
Are there any 'true' churches ?
by Qcmbr injust a question because of course we all either believed we were in the 'truth', are still in the 'truth' have left and found the 'truth', there is no 'truth' or that the only truth is found in the trailer park with a bottle of bud and a bunch of 'pozzies:)
Describe Yourself Without Being Revealing.
by Golf inas i told kl, i'm not sabotaging her thread, mine has a twist, for example, my wife 'descibes' me best by always reminding that i'm not 'normal.
' this means i do things differently than the ordinary person as i'm into many activities.
many of these activities involve people.
I am anxious for everything. I have sat so long...
Patiently on everything,
turning the other cheek,
being meek and feeble...that I now jump with too much gusto on everything.
I think I scare people because it all comes off as crazy.
The world is my candy shop and I am the biggest kid of all.
Pain hurts far more with no filters and pleasure is ten times better. It is all good!
Tell us about you
by kls inso many posters and most communicate either on this site or have the pleasure to meet in person and know much of some posters lives ,but for thos who don't ( like me ) let's share some of our lives with others,,, .
are you married or single?
= me married .
I never wrote an intro thread, so this may just be as good as it gets.
Divorcing...Hit the ground running.
yes the 3 of best things I have ever been given the chance to hold for a time. 2 girls one boy.
I am not allowed to have pets per my three lil blessings. They may, and I may not mess with the animals. I have a knack for killing them..But... We have an iguanna and a bearded dragon in our home.. My son's.
I like to paint big blobs of mess and throw them away. I get the idea that somehow I can make something that will move people..and when it comes out looking like the bride of Frankenstine...well I white wash and try again after a year or two. I put all these bombed projects in my so called senility box, and when I age and don't know what to do with myself, I can drive myself nuts with it. I also take photos for people. My favorite kind is the scandleous. Nothing tacky, but pics of gals for the husband. It is an awsome feeling to show a person who does not like how they look another side of beauty in themselves. Sew, bead, draw, write, Probably anything that is different and new. Does that make it a hobbie...If I cannot stick to one thing?
Dear me, NO Grandpoopoos yet!
I seem to be collecting children.
I would like to share the smile that has been plastered all over my face this week with everyone
Where do posters go at midnight?
by gumby inok....sometimes i stay up past eight o' clock like tonight as it's now midnight.
i come here and all you bastards ain't here.
where are ya?
Midnight at the Oasis...Sing your camel to bed....
anyone? Anyone?
Are you Living or Existing?
by Golf indoes your life have a purpose or are you just existing?
over the years i've learned to extract the good out of bad situations and it has given me a different perspective on life.
life is all about learning.
I have a bit for you...It is my humble experience, but it is good for me. I was just existing, surviving is how I put it. Day in day out. I had been doing this for extended years. Yes, I kept my house and home etc. Gave to the family and it was a great family (for the children). Then one day I saw an old friend and this person looked so worn. One of the most vivacious people I have ever known and there they sat. There is a party all around and there they sit. So I turn to my friend who was with me and I start to "go left" about how could a person just sit through all of this and just settle for a bit of nothing. It was very disturbing to see.
My girlfriend looked at me as I am griping about giving up and what a sorry lot that was to see such an inspiring person become so very lost. You know the look she gave me... And proceeded to ask if the pot is trying to call the ol' kettle black.
That was X-mas 2003. I cried for a couple of days, and then I got mad. And the world has been a rough trip this last year. I realized that I was miserable because I was allowing it to be so. I stopped taking on everyones bad behavior and giving them the opportunity that is rightfully theirs....that is the opportunity to learn by bumping their a55 on the floor and realizing it hurts. Then I started making myself go do things that I would not normally do. I started getting out and doing things. It was hard to "do for myself" seeing It had been so imbedded in my mind that I was to be a servant and turn the other cheek and all the garbage of JW was so imbedded in my actions. I did not know that I was allowed to have fun.
I started a small business, on top of my regular 40 hour a week job. I started college. I started to wash all of the leachers off me. I justify it as I said above.,,, it is good for them...makes them tough and puts hair on the chest. I changed my situation and joined a charity organization. I am tired when I wake up and tired when I go to bed. I have list as long as both arms of things to do, and I am so happy. I noticed the other night how good it is to recognize when people are trying to make you carry their burden. I am LOVING LIFE. I have no clue what I like to do, but I am figuring it out.
That is kind of why I like this site. Some of the thing that people here post, and others critique help me stay a critical thinker...or start to be one. There are things sometimes that I call Tracers, imbedded in my personality, and I am working to get them out of there. Actually seeing when people are taking advantage and how guilty people try to make you for things that are not your problem is a HUGE gift.
Brother Being Duped by Warlock
by Sparkplug infor the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
cypher50.... I LMAO at
..."The Jehovah's Witness & Stan The Emo Goth Geek".
Tried to explain to c... or thelma, Laughed so hard I snorted and everyone then laughed... the bumm off. Good one.
Nina " The nurturer!
Brother Being Duped by Warlock
by Sparkplug infor the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
I so agree. I guess to me it is comperable to finding the real meaning of x-mas. You can learn to give, help and love, or greedily buy up "stuff."
I also recall from my reading...I am open minded if I feel the person is for real...that the first rule is, "don't go around telling everyone." Look at me!! Look at me!! Very repulsive... bull55itt I prefer the quiet people who have a lot put into the thought process. They really turn out to be the ones, that will get ya.
Zman, we are just lucky that way. In fact C is the one dragging me into trouble this time. Like a reversal of personalities. Usually I think...I say...only think..up something that might be mildly fun. And she dives in with her bottle of whatever and ..and I have to join in and get in trouble so that she does not get picked on being blond and all. Then blame it all on her. She is taking me to a party. NOT A "GET TOGETHER" ZMAN!... A Party and I am forced once again to go. I got my bottle in the car and my nerd herd attire on. Should be a good show. They all get wasted and I tell on all of them the next day. This DF thing sure is liberating.
Lil-Toe.... I need popcorn with this Amaretto.
Brother Being Duped by Warlock
by Sparkplug infor the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
spell check works
Brother Being Duped by Warlock
by Sparkplug infor the sake of being legally correct... today i was told a person i work with is a jw.
there is a man at work who is not...he is apostate too.
really off the deep end though...conciders himelf a warlock and trys to cast spell, shapeshift and be a jedi.
Are you sure you don't work with Brownboy?
not cool...
Wjat made you think that? The empathy or is it feeling sory for an active brainwashee?