Just a question because of course we all either believed we were in the 'truth', are still in the 'truth' have left and found the 'truth', there is no 'truth' or that the only truth is found in the trailer park with a bottle of bud and a bunch of 'pozzies:)
Are there any 'true' churches ?
by Qcmbr 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mark Twain is reputed to have said that man is the only creature with the true religion - several of 'em.
Church is a place for believers to get together, therefore I don't think there is such a thing as a "true church" - certainly not in the sense that groups like the JWs, Seventh-day Adventists, Armstrong followers, etc use the term. A church may contain true believers, false believers or non-believers. But the faith of the individual is the important thing, and is what is subject to being true or not.
I don't believe there are any true churches so to speak because my view on religion as a whole is that religion itself is not the truth.
I do not believe there are any "true" churches in a sense that only certain churches find favor with God or certain churches teach only truth. I believe that the "truth" is within each individual; it is a condition of the heart. I believe that "truth" can be found through a personal study of the Bible, a relationship with God and a fellowship with mankind. If that includes going to church then so be it but I do not believe one must go to church (any particular church) to find truth or be a godly person.
Big Dog
You know, I think that is one of the hardest things about getting out and maybe one of the greatest disservices the organization does to a person. That is instilling this idea that there is some absolute "truth" somewhere and that we have to seek it out. So many times after leaving people continue this quest thinking well, that was a pack of lies but someone must have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But as several of you have stated very well I don't think that any one does, at least not in the sense that we were taught that there was a truth, ie. but what was that "truth" we were taught? Really wasn't it that you must have certain beliefs and more importantly take certain actions and all this adds up to you having the truth. While there are mentions of truth in the bible, that truth doesn't seem to be of the same sort. Seems to me more of accepting the teachings of Jesus as true sort. I have always come away with the two commandment deal, love God, love your neighbor as the bottom line, everything else is window dressing. I can do that without attending a church, and I can do it just as well in a church.
zen nudist
the TRUE church is the congregation of all mankind... the true temple is the universe where we can be in awe as often as we contemplate it....
all other pretenders are from the ignorant imaginings of those who would rob you of your rightful place in this whole to service their desires
When people insist that their church is the true one, what they really are saying is that they're the ones that are going to get the big prize from G_d at the end of things, while the rest of us lose out. So it's all predicated on fear of death. And the desire to have a social group that prescribes, shares, and affirms your worldview.
Why yes... yes there is:
I'm also of the thinking that "truth" is an individual concept. When it comes to Christianity, I'm of the persuation that we were all created by God differently, with different needs, desires and motivations. It makes sense to me that everyone will find a different truth. It would be just too boring if we all agreed on everything.
As has been stated, it's a misdirection to say that there is a one true religion. Each one of us has our own path. We are already on it. We just need to sluff off the stuff that other people have loaded onto us. Don't be too afraid to lose old beliefs that don't serve you.