Littletoe! That was an amazing talk--I knew your story but had never heard that--WOW! How did you get through that?
By the way--you have a wonderful voice!
dang man, your site has seen a lot of traffic over the past few years .
Littletoe! That was an amazing talk--I knew your story but had never heard that--WOW! How did you get through that?
By the way--you have a wonderful voice!
the 3/1/06 wt questions from readers is discussing 1 cor 14:33,34 and explains the phrase "keep silent".
after the usual claptrap and disclaimers (like how sometimes women have to substitute for baptized men in a congregation setting) - it concluded by saying women keep silent by "not raising argumentative questions that could challenge the authority of those who teach.
" how do the women swallow this stuff and still feel grateful for "rich spiritual food"?
jws aren't supposed to breakdown in their emotions for it could be a sign that you put too much emphasis on the temporary.
just focus on the ressurection, for heaven' sake!
don't mourn like the world that does not have hope!
"if only she had been baptized you would know she would have a resurrection".
Where are these people, so I can smack them upside their stupid heads?
a family in my congregation, who has recently fallen on some hard times, just had some hard times fall on them.
last saturday, a very large tree fell right square on their house.
no one was harmed, but it definitely hurt their wallets.
You are a sweetie-pie! That is brotherly love!
i would like to write an article outlining some of the goofy stories that jws believe.
for example, when i was young, this story went around: .
a couple decided that they would miss the meeting to go to see a hypnotist.
Like humans, all demons have different personalities. Whereas some demons are content with playing practical jokes, others are more evil, in a variety of ways. One smurf doll was possessed by a particularly nasty demon who happened to be a rapist. One day, he cornered a Jehovah's Witness sister in a dark alley and started to rape her. Remembering her Watchtower training, she screamed as loud as she could and fought back. The smurf was so surprised that he stopped his attack and asked her why she reacted like this, when other women would just give in. The sister then gave him a thorough witness. The smurf was so impressed that he began to study and today is serving as an elder in a congregation in Minnesota. True story.
!!!!!! Raped by a smurf--OH! MY!
after reading about puternuts (ari) suicide, and also reading about sabine and js losing their daughter to this cult, i think it would be a fitting memorial, so to speak, to write a list of all the people we know who died because of this cult.
i also know that cruzanheart lost her dad to it, too.
i'm sure there are many here that can make a list of suicides brought on by the shunning/threatening policies of the watchtower cult.
I know of an apparent suicide from the early 1980's--I don't know the reason but, I think this person just never felt that they were good enough.
my mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cuting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't get food poisoning.
my mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter and i used to eat a bite raw sometimes, too.
our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper, in a brown paper bag, not in ice pack coolers, but i can't remember anybody getting e.coli.. almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool ( talk about boring ), no beach closures then.. the term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school pa. system.
We played 'king of the Hill' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48 - cent bottle of Mercurochrome ( Kids liked it better because it did not sting like iodine did. ) and then we got our butts spanked!
That orange stuff was the miracle cure-all! Remember baby aspirin? Now babies can't have it!
We used to make ramps out of planks of wood and go flying over the ditch with our bikes! Swim in the ditches when they were flooded--had our own baseball diamond with backstop--camp out in an old chicken house, and one of my favorites--make blanket tents over the clothesline!
i've got some questions about district conventions and circuit assemblies.
are j/w's required to attend them?
what if they can't afford to go?
You are suppose to bring your baby to all meetings--so they can learn "the truth" from infancy!
this lady really is starting too irritate me.
first she uses my expensive oil control cream:
Apparently she took advantage of my mother's kindness.
Many years ago my Mom had a friend come from out of state to visit--in fact she was the one who studied with my Mom. Anyway, my Mom purchased roll-away beds, blankets, pillows and such, since we did not have many extra things.
This so called 'best friend' spent the entire time visiting people she had known from other congregations and spent very little time with my Mom.
I guess we were the 'free hotel'
this lady really is starting too irritate me.
first she uses my expensive oil control cream:
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