This is a very unrealistic way to feel.
It's unrealistic to expect my husband to find me attractive? You're weird!
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
This is a very unrealistic way to feel.
It's unrealistic to expect my husband to find me attractive? You're weird!
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.'s my fault if my husband finds someone else attractive.
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
A secure person doesn't mind if their partner looks at other people, and realizes that wanting so much control over the other person to prevent them from looking is unrealistic. We're all human. If you get your feeling hurt because an attractive person walks by your partner and is dressed sexily, the problem is yours and not anyone else's.
I was waiting for someone to say this! It hurts whether you are secure or not--the problem is not mine--it is my husband that has the problem. I don't want control over him---he is married to me--I am supposed to be the one that he finds attractive.
Besides, I want some women to answer my question--why did they dress in a provocative way at the meetings? In my opinion they are insecure. Can't catch a man with their personality!
for having too much contact with her df'd son!.
she's a loyal, long time witness in her seventies, with a "non-believing" husband.
she harms nobody with her bevavior.
I always thought it was a matter of choice for a parent to associate or not associate with a df'd child? Has that policy changed again!?
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
what we don't want are perverts staring at us so that they can go run and tell on us and complain how we are distracting them, men like your husband have the choice to look away.
Are all men who look perverts? How do you know which ones are? I suppose if he is old and unappealing you don't want him to look at you--if he's good looking, then that's okay?
My point is that it was not loving for a christian woman to dress in a provocative way at the meetings. When you dress that way it is to get the attention of men--most of whom at the KH were already married. For that matter a lot of the sisters who pulled that crap were married, too. No one ever wants to admit the real reason they dressed that way--nothing wrong with feeling pretty--BUT I DON'T BUY THAT EXCUSE!
There was a young girl who was studying and flirting with my husband at the meetings--the sister who was studying with her was a friend of mine--in fact she has posted on this board. She repeated to me how this girl was interested in my husband and she thought it was funny! WTF! So much for my feelings, huh?
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
I have a question! Several posters on this thread admitted that they wore either tight, low cut or high slit skirts at the meetings. Then were upset when they were counselled---accused sisters of being jealous---and asked why brothers were noticing. Well, isn't that the point of wearing revealing clothes? To make others notice you? So why complain about the attention?
It did annoy me when sisters dressed this way--my husband was looking and isn't that what you all wanted? Sure didn't make me feel too good.
thought this could get interesting discussing experiences.
i for one was trying to reach out for ministerial servant again in the early 90's , had been one before, and was assigned to carry the microphones one meeting.
had an elder call me in the back room and say , " brother flipper, i noticed looking down towards your shoes that you are wearing white socks today.
John Doe said:
I was pulled aside and counseled for dressing "too modest," that my perfect dress might make the ones dressing inappropriately feel bad.
I remember a couple of sisters who were counselled for being "too put together" in other words they looked great! Nice dress--matching shoes and purse and nice makeup. They were told that they were spending too much time on their dress! CAN'T WIN, HUH!
at the time i was really too young to watch (or understand) the show, but i liked the theme song from dallas.. what's your favourite?.
Gilligan's Island and The Flintstones
i did.. there were some pretty sharp guys but there were a lot of not so bright ones.
the worst elders were the ones that thought they were very intelligent but really were stupid.. one elder that fits that description was a man that loved to speculate on prophecies, watchtower wording, someone's facial expressions or mannerisms.
he truly believed he was more enlightened than anyone else.
Another would not eat at Cracker Barrel because he said their servers were lesbians.
I wonder what problems this would cause?! You might catch "lesbian" from your food?
Is there a scripture---"Thou shalt not have lesbian waitress" ???????????????????????