Turned me into the elders who made many, many, TOO MANY visits over the course of 4 years.
A MS and his uber spouse also visited many, many, TOO MANY times over the course of 4 years.
When my spouse and I separated two elders started snooping around my home at night trying to catch me committing adultery.
My sposue constantly violated an order of protection and did the same thing until one of my friends who is an officer in the local Sheriff's Department followed her as she pulled into my street.
When I filed for divorce the BOE harssed me until I showed up at one of their fact finding meetings with a digital tape recorder.
A month after my divorce was final I called the PO and told him that I had had enough of the cult and didn't want them to evre contact me.
They haven't and I haven't had any contact with the few members of my family still in for over 10 years.
The jaydubyas avoid me and run the other way when the see me in public.
I like it that way.