TTATT - If you watch it with her, perhaps you could somehow, bring up the Child Abuse Lawsuits. At 9:44 in the Video, the weirdo says that Contribution Funds, are not Misappropriated (Definition - "to put to a wrong use.") I wonder if your wife feels that Millions of Dollars in Contributions, supposedly Given to Jehovah, are put to a good use, paying Legal Fees, for the actions of Pedophiles. - Perhaps finish the topic, with "Would Jesus pay for this?"
JoinedPosts by LAWHFol
Should I Make My Wife Watch the May Broadcast?
by TTATTelder infor some background, i am still in.
still an elder.
very much awake.
In depth research reveals....
by Deltawave insomething i have noticed over the years is how much harder it is to research the history of the watchtower society from its own literature.
people have thrown away old publications in place of the watchtower library.
i beleive soon the watchtower library disk will be discontinued in place of the online library.
Why I remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Brother Jeramy inallow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Psalm 26:4 "I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites."
Waking up from the JW dream... The biggest loss for me, was the idea of justice.
by adjusted knowledge inbeing a jw you're able to ignore bad things to some level.
it's the lazy way of saying, "jehovah will deal with it soon".
but when i loss my faith, the biggest gut wrench was the idea that true justice was just an illusion.
THE JW - Doctine of Justice is Completely Wrong, however that does not mean that Justice Does Not Exist.
This topic is dealt with extensively in Psalms, and the result is Simple.
The Evil, may not suffer now, but they will not Prosper like the righteous, perhaps like Job ( "Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power?")
we don't perfectly understand how Justice will be Dispersed, however Stay Strong, just because you don't understand things right now, doesn't mean you must give up, and abandon all faith.
Everything in the Universe is Governed by the Perfect Laws of Justice, and it never Fails.
Try rethinking what you know of God.. Erase the God that you learned of as a witness, Look inside yourself, and look at Creation, and contemplate what kind of person you are, or what kind of person you wish you were.
We see in God, what we are our selves - Psalm 25:9 "He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way."
This Good News of the Kingdom - Zion's Watchtower - Zionism - The End
by LAWHFol ini hope you're all doing well.. i haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw.
i look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.. i haven't been active much of late, however a topic that i have continued to consider & study is modern day israel & the early watchtower's teachings on this topic.. this is part 1 - i'll post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.. first i'll cover the teachings and overall belief's of the watchtower on the jew's , israel, and god's plan for the jew's.. i've read a lot of the early publications.
the 2 most insightful publications, for me to read were (links to the book's in pdf format highlighted in blue) :.
Viviane,You make some fair points. Thank you for your response. One thing I'll say before responding, is I have no Agenda, and I have no Bias. My studies have lead me to this current view point, however I have been wrong many a times before, and I will be wrong many a times again. I don't care if I'm right or Wrong, I am simply seeking the Truth.I'm all ears, to every ones View Point, and I'd rather be Wrong than Right, and this way I can strip away more Untruth, and come a bit closer to Truth.I enjoy discussing this with you, but please know I'm not trying to argue, or disprove anything you say, simply throwing ideas out there, so that we can all examine them from our own perspectives.Your Response :"The answer is no. The U.N. created the nation of Israel as it exists today, not god. It's a secular nation, not a theocracy as the bible indicates it would be. Zion in labor is not in any way a description of Jews declaring independence, "My Response :It is true that the U.N. , with the earlier support of The British, made the Nation of Israel what it is. It is also True that Israel is a Secular Nation, & far from a Theocracy" I have gone back and forward on this topic, on one Hand, I don't support the Violent & Controversial measures that have been employed by both Parties, in the Battle for Israel, and It doesn't seem to me, that God would be behind such Maneuvers. However on the Other end, it seems like It HAS to be a Start of the Proper State of Israel, which will eventually turn into Zion.Your Response :"a 24 hour day is not a moment. All of that is simply YOU trying to layer your specific interpretation of vague and poetic language onto specific events. Nothing more."My Response :I agree that moment, does not Necessarily mean a 24 Hour Day, however to be fair this translation isn't completely accurate, The Hebrew words used in place of Moment are pa·'am e·chat; - Meaning "All at Once" The Significant part of Isaiah 66:8 is "e·chad, be·yo·vm" or "in one Day"Focusing on the "One Day" 1948 Definitively matches the Description - May 14 1948: The term of the British Mandate ends. The State of Israel is established at 4 pm on May 14, 1948Your Response : "if there is anyway you could possibly have predicted specifically the events you claim match."My Response : I obviously didn't predict any of these Events, I didn't even know the first thing about them for most of my life. Sometimes Men Prophesy, and other Times Men Translate Prophecy.. An example of this is at Daniel 9:2, where Daniel after Study and meditation, came to understand the Precise Timeline of Jeremiah's Prophecy.Similar to Daniel a Man named "Rabbi Judah ben Samuel" in 1217 C.E. made this Prediction :"When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”To Break This Down :- Rabbi ben Samuel died in February 22, 1217
- 300 Years after his Death in 1517 the Ottoman Turks conquered the Mamluk's and took control of Jerusalem at the same time. (This Confirmed this Prediction "When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem")
- Leviticus 25 shows that A jubilee is 50 Years, the Ottoman Turks controlled Jerusalem for 400 Years or 8 Jubilees Until 1917 (This Confirmed this Prediction "they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees")
- Rabbi ben Samuel predicted that Israel would be a "No Mans Land" for the following Jubilee. This would encompass the years of 1917 - 1967 The Term "No Mans Land" has took on Different meanings, however based on my research it's origin is Latin - "Terra Nullius" - One Definition is "No man's land is land that is unoccupied or is under dispute between parties that leave it unoccupied due to fear or uncertainty. From 1917 to 1967 Palestine was Claimed by Multiple Parties, however none of them completely had control over it. In 1967, when Israel Signed its Declaration of Independence, essentially ending the stalemate.
What do you suppose the Odds of someone Who - What - When & Where with Perfect Accuracy, not on one Event, but 3 Successive Events. It would not be Impossible, but It's in the Territory of Highly Unlikely.What are your thoughts on this Prediction?Also I'm interested in hearing your View on The Prophecies Surrounding Israel, Do you feel that they are still in the Future, or do you feel that they passed in some way already? -
This Good News of the Kingdom - Zion's Watchtower - Zionism - The End
by LAWHFol ini hope you're all doing well.. i haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw.
i look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.. i haven't been active much of late, however a topic that i have continued to consider & study is modern day israel & the early watchtower's teachings on this topic.. this is part 1 - i'll post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.. first i'll cover the teachings and overall belief's of the watchtower on the jew's , israel, and god's plan for the jew's.. i've read a lot of the early publications.
the 2 most insightful publications, for me to read were (links to the book's in pdf format highlighted in blue) :.
Viviane - I'm Interested in hearing your thoughts.. How do you interpret / View these Scriptures :
Ezekiel 36:24 "I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land." (Jer 30:3 / Ezek 37:21 / Jer 16:15 )
Isaiah 66:8 "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children." (This accurately describes what happened on May 14, 1948 - when the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2900 years. During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel’s sovereignty. And, only hours beforehand, a United Nations mandate expired, ending British control of the land. During a 24-hour span of time.)
Zech 12:3 "On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it."
If you still place any trust in the Bible, I'm interested to hear your views on these scriptures, If not, I can show you some other occurrences, that I view as proofs.
This Good News of the Kingdom - Zion's Watchtower - Zionism - The End
by LAWHFol ini hope you're all doing well.. i haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw.
i look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.. i haven't been active much of late, however a topic that i have continued to consider & study is modern day israel & the early watchtower's teachings on this topic.. this is part 1 - i'll post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.. first i'll cover the teachings and overall belief's of the watchtower on the jew's , israel, and god's plan for the jew's.. i've read a lot of the early publications.
the 2 most insightful publications, for me to read were (links to the book's in pdf format highlighted in blue) :.
Now to Briefly discuss, why this Matters..
The Ra-gathering of the Jew's to Israel in the Years of 1917,1948,1967 , is in my View an Undeniable Miracle & Fulfillment of many Hebrew Scripture prophecies, These fulfillment's are Unlike,shaky and haphazard Watchtower Prophecies, rather they are Easy to See,Understand, and Prove. They are Backed by History,Exact Dates,Signs in the Sun & Moon & Stars, (Luke 21:25) ,Botanical Proofs, and Several Other clear Proofs.
The above by it self, is a compelling reason to understand the Prophecies Involved, and their Fulfillment, however this is not the primary reason that this all Matters, in the Scope of Watchtower Teachings.
The reason that this Topic is so important is that it Provides Unquestionable Biblical Proof of Blasphemy on the Part of Modern Day Jehovah's Witnesses, and their Teachings.
Judge Rutherford said on Page 12 of Comfort for the Jews - "It was the great Jehovah speaking through men who had faith in him that foretold what we now see transpiring concerning Palestine." ... ""when God Almighty - makes a promise that promise is absolutely certain of fulfillment in God's due time.""The rebuilding of Palestine is now beginning and is well under way. This is being done clearly in fulfillment of prophecy uttered as promises from Jehovah."
Rutherford in Clear non "Double Speak" wording, stated That God Promised that the Jew's would be regathered, to Israel, and what had begun in 1917 Was the Beginning of this Promises prophetic fulfillment."
The modern Day Governing Body in the 2010 Watchtower Article "Does Bible Prophecy Point to the Modern State of Israel?" Has the Following to say about the Prophecies, said to be a Promise of God by Russell & Rutherford.
- "Some Evangelical Protestants believe that the modern State of Israel thus fulfilled a Bible prophecy."
- "Did Isaiah 66:8 predict the establishment of the modern State of Israel? Was May 14, 1948, the “greatest moment in prophetic history of the twentieth century”? If the modern State of Israel is still God’s chosen nation, and if he is using it to fulfill Bible prophecies, this would certainly be of interest to Bible students everywhere."
- "Still God's Chosen Nation?" - 'In the year 33 C.E., the fleshly nation of Israel lost its claim to be God’s chosen nation when it rejected Jehovah’s Son, the Messiah."
- "Although the establishment of the modern State of Israel was not foretold in the Bible, the establishment of the nation of spiritual Israel certainly was! If you identify and associate with that spiritual nation today, you will reap eternal blessings."
So in the Last paragraph the Governing Body clearly states that Modern Israel WAS NOT Prophesied!.This statement greatly contrasts the Statements of Russell "the literalness of the promised return of Israel to their own land, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem upon her own heaps, cannot be questioned"
If Samuel Herd and C.T. Russell were in the Same Room, discussing this Contradiction would Herd be able to Convince Russell of this "New Light" and that the Multitudinous Prophecies of Natural Israel / Fleshly Descendants of Israel being Regathered to Israel were to be all thought of as Symbolic and referring to a Group that is primarily comprised of Gentiles?
Would Mr.Herd also Convince Russell that Zechariah 8:23 Was Referring to the Jehovah's Witnesses the New Jew's "In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations+ will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew,saying: “We want to go with you,for we have heard that God is with you people.”
Or would Russell win out, using 100 Scriptures to 1 to Clearly Demonstrate that Jehovah's Witnesses are Partially Fulfilling a End Time Prophecy.. The Prophecy found at Revelation 3:9 ? "Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you." (Genesis 27:29)?
This Good News of the Kingdom - Zion's Watchtower - Zionism - The End
by LAWHFol ini hope you're all doing well.. i haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw.
i look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.. i haven't been active much of late, however a topic that i have continued to consider & study is modern day israel & the early watchtower's teachings on this topic.. this is part 1 - i'll post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.. first i'll cover the teachings and overall belief's of the watchtower on the jew's , israel, and god's plan for the jew's.. i've read a lot of the early publications.
the 2 most insightful publications, for me to read were (links to the book's in pdf format highlighted in blue) :.
Now a brief summary of the Watchtower's Teaching & View Point of Israel and the Prophecies surrounding the Jew's.
From the Start in 1879 to 1933 The Watchtower Fully & Abundantly supported Israel, The Watchtower and it's leaders were 100% Supporters of Zionism. The Early Watchtower's written in the late 1800's condemned the Blasphemy of "Replacement Theology" and emphatically stated the fact of Israel being regathered to Palestine, and establish a new Jerusalem, that would Last Forever, and reign in the Millennium.
In a 1920's or 30;s (Exact article will be provided on request) Article Rutherford stated that "The New Covenant" was only for Natural Jews, Rutherford is now taught as being a participant of the New Covenant, however he had no Idea of his Involvement, 20 Years after its Proposed inauguration.
This all Changed Almost "Over Night" in 1933 (Great Article covering 1933 and the WT here -
They went from one of the Loudest Supporters of Zionsm to an Organization that was Deeply Anti-Semitic in a Single Year.
I'll next cover why We Should Care about all of this, as well as the Massive Cover-up, now being orchestrated by the Watchtower Organization.
This Good News of the Kingdom - Zion's Watchtower - Zionism - The End
by LAWHFol ini hope you're all doing well.. i haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw.
i look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.. i haven't been active much of late, however a topic that i have continued to consider & study is modern day israel & the early watchtower's teachings on this topic.. this is part 1 - i'll post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.. first i'll cover the teachings and overall belief's of the watchtower on the jew's , israel, and god's plan for the jew's.. i've read a lot of the early publications.
the 2 most insightful publications, for me to read were (links to the book's in pdf format highlighted in blue) :.
Hi Everyone! I hope you're all doing well.. I haven't written for a while, my previous screen name was objectivetruth btw. I look forward to resuming some good conversations with my family.
I haven't been active much of late, however a Topic that I have continued to consider & Study is Modern Day Israel & The Early Watchtower's teachings on this topic.
This is Part 1 - I'll Post multiple posts, to help readers follow my train of thought.
First I'll cover the Teachings and Overall Belief's of the Watchtower on the Jew's , Israel, and God's Plan for the Jew's.
I've read a lot of the early Publications. The 2 Most insightful publications, for me to read were (Links to the Book's in PDF format highlighted in Blue) :- Jewish Hopes - Jerusalem Restoration Prospects 1910 - C.T. Russell Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
- Comfort for the Jews - 1925 - Rutherford Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
Some Highlights which summarize the message of the 1st Book "Jewish Hopes" :
- Page 243-245. "the re-establishment of Israel in the land of Palestine is one of the events to be expected in this Day of the Lord, we are fully assured by the above expression of the Prophet. Notice, particularly, that the prophecy cannot be interpreted in any symbolic sense" (Referring to Prophecy at Amos 9:11-15)
- Page. 245 "AS the time for the promised restoration of God' s favor to Israel draws on, we see a preparation being made for it "
- Page. 257 "the literalness of the promised return of Israel to their own land, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem upon her own heaps, cannot be questioned"
- Page 258. "Hence the promised reconstruction of Jerusalem upon her old foundations implies a national reorganization of Israel upon a basis similar to that which it formerly had, as a people over whom Jehovah's Anointed held the authority."
- Page 258. "Prophecies already examined point to the year 1878 as the date at which Israel's "double" time of waiting for the King was fulfilled. and from which their return to favor and the turning away of their blindness are due. ("Double" Referencing Isaiah 40:2 - Compare in NWT*)
Some Highlights from the Second Book - Comfort for the Jews
- From the Book's foreword Page 4. "JUDGE RUTHERFORD, known throughout the world as a friend of the Hebrew people, is vigorously supporting the claim of the Jews to the Holy Land. He is opposed to proselyting the Jews, holding that such is not only wrong but contrary to the Scriptures... His lectures to large audiences, which have been broadcast throughout the world, on "JEWS RETURNING TO PALESTINE", have created an intense interest."
- Page 6. "Not only Jews but Gentiles should have a keen interest in the question of the rebuilding of Palestine; because if the time has come for this to be done, it means the great transformation period in the affairs of the world. "
- Page 10. "Prophecy means the foretelling of events that are to transpire before they do transpire. Prophecy can be understood and properly interpreted after its fulfillment or when in course of fulfillment... When prophecy is fulfilled we describe the facts of its fulfillment as physical facts... The proof herein submitted, in support of the conclusions that shall be stated, is based upon prophecy written by holy men of old as recorded in the Holy Scriptures and upon the physical facts in fulfillment. "
- Page 12. "It was the great Jehovah speaking through men who had faith in him that foretold what we now see transpiring concerning Palestine."
- Page 12. "when God Almighty - makes a promise that promise is absolutely certain
- of fulfillment in God's due time."
- Page 12. "The rebuilding of Palestine is now beginning and is well under way. This is being done clearly in fulfillment of prophecy uttered as promises from Jehovah. (Isaiah 55:11 Quoted)"
- Page 35. "Israel, when in harmony with God being the only government on earth with which the Lord dealt, is properly called Zion"
- Page 52. "I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable things."-Jeremiah 16: 14-18.... she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins. Isaiah 40:1,2."
- Page 52. "Let those who read this prophecy rejoice! The time for its fulfillment is at hand"
- Page 58. "This overthrow of her kingdom occurred in the year 606 B.C....
- There was formed the first universal Gentile Empire. There God overturned the right of Israel to rule, and permitted the Gentiles to take authority and exercise it. The conclusion must be drawn that the Gentiles were to thus continue by permission of Jehovah for a period of seven times.
- Page 59. "A literal Jewish "time" means a year-twelve months of thirty days each, or 360 days. If the time is symbolic, a day stands for a year. Seven symbolic "times" therefore would mean 2520 years... It follows then that these seven times, without a question of a doubt... This period of 2520 years began in the year 606 B.C. with the overthrow of Zedekiah, and necessarily ended with the year 1914 A.D...If this calculation is correct, and it must be, then something should have occurred in 1914 to mark the end of God's favor to the Gentiles"
Thank you for redirecting me to the right organization!
by economy inthank you, and cofty, for redirecting me to the right organization!.
when i posted why did god permit scriptures to be corrupted?
then i thought, if there is an organization that believes all scriptures are corrupted (which obviously makes it enemy of all religions), that organization is not ordinary, but gutsy, lionhearted, and worthy of close examination!
Sounds like Hinduism. "Brahman" as in The Unchanging Reality??