You make some fair points. Thank you for your response. One thing I'll say before responding, is I have no Agenda, and I have no Bias. My studies have lead me to this current view point, however I have been wrong many a times before, and I will be wrong many a times again. I don't care if I'm right or Wrong, I am simply seeking the Truth.
I'm all ears, to every ones View Point, and I'd rather be Wrong than Right, and this way I can strip away more Untruth, and come a bit closer to Truth.
I enjoy discussing this with you, but please know I'm not trying to argue, or disprove anything you say, simply throwing ideas out there, so that we can all examine them from our own perspectives.
Your Response :
"The answer is no. The U.N. created the nation of Israel as it exists today, not god. It's a secular nation, not a theocracy as the bible indicates it would be. Zion in labor is not in any way a description of Jews declaring independence, "
My Response :
It is true that the U.N. , with the earlier support of The British, made the Nation of Israel what it is. It is also True that Israel is a Secular Nation, & far from a Theocracy" I have gone back and forward on this topic, on one Hand, I don't support the Violent & Controversial measures that have been employed by both Parties, in the Battle for Israel, and It doesn't seem to me, that God would be behind such Maneuvers. However on the Other end, it seems like It HAS to be a Start of the Proper State of Israel, which will eventually turn into Zion.
Your Response :
"a 24 hour day is not a moment. All of that is simply YOU trying to layer your specific interpretation of vague and poetic language onto specific events. Nothing more."
My Response :
I agree that moment, does not Necessarily mean a 24 Hour Day, however to be fair this translation isn't completely accurate, The Hebrew words used in place of Moment are pa·'am e·chat; - Meaning "All at Once" The Significant part of Isaiah 66:8 is "e·chad, be·yo·vm" or "in one Day"
Focusing on the "One Day" 1948 Definitively matches the Description - May 14 1948: The term of the British Mandate ends. The State of Israel is established at 4 pm on May 14, 1948
Your Response : "if there is anyway you could possibly have predicted specifically the events you claim match."
My Response : I obviously didn't predict any of these Events, I didn't even know the first thing about them for most of my life. Sometimes Men Prophesy, and other Times Men Translate Prophecy.. An example of this is at Daniel 9:2, where Daniel after Study and meditation, came to understand the Precise Timeline of Jeremiah's Prophecy.
Similar to Daniel a Man named "Rabbi Judah ben Samuel" in 1217 C.E. made this Prediction :
"When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”
To Break This Down :
- Rabbi ben Samuel died in February 22, 1217
- 300 Years after his Death in 1517 the Ottoman Turks conquered the Mamluk's and took control of Jerusalem at the same time. (This Confirmed this Prediction "When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem")
- Leviticus 25 shows that A jubilee is 50 Years, the Ottoman Turks controlled Jerusalem for 400 Years or 8 Jubilees Until 1917 (This Confirmed this Prediction "they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees")
- Rabbi ben Samuel predicted that Israel would be a "No Mans Land" for the following Jubilee. This would encompass the years of 1917 - 1967 The Term "No Mans Land" has took on Different meanings, however based on my research it's origin is Latin - "Terra Nullius" - One Definition is "No man's land is land that is unoccupied or is under dispute between parties that leave it unoccupied due to fear or uncertainty. From 1917 to 1967 Palestine was Claimed by Multiple Parties, however none of them completely had control over it. In 1967, when Israel Signed its Declaration of Independence, essentially ending the stalemate.
What do you suppose the Odds of someone Who - What - When & Where with Perfect Accuracy, not on one Event, but 3 Successive Events. It would not be Impossible, but It's in the Territory of Highly Unlikely.
What are your thoughts on this Prediction?
Also I'm interested in hearing your View on The Prophecies Surrounding Israel, Do you feel that they are still in the Future, or do you feel that they passed in some way already?