EOM - I'll find the references for you, and either link here or message you.
Here is a General Overview, of the Math References.. http://www.krishnamurthys.com/kvforp/VK1/History_Maths_Indian_contribution.html
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
EOM - I'll find the references for you, and either link here or message you.
Here is a General Overview, of the Math References.. http://www.krishnamurthys.com/kvforp/VK1/History_Maths_Indian_contribution.html
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
@Mephis - Einstein,Schrodinger,Tesla,Oppenheimer,Sagan,Bohr,Heisenberg - The Most Influential Physicists / Scientists of this Era ALL extensively studied the Vedas.
Why would these Brilliant Minds spend so much time studying the Vedas and making known public-ally their great adoration of the Vedas, if they are simply books with some "fun" ideas in them, as you put it?
Don't get me wrong, my argument is not intended to Prove that God inspired these books.. Rather my point is that these books are perhaps the greatest and most substantial literary works to ever come into existence... And this deserving of attention, for any one with an ounce of intellectual desire.
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
@HowTheBibleWaSCreated - "There is no such thing as a big bounce. The Universe is aout to enter a state of accelerated expansion."
Your statement is Factually Incorrect. There is such a thing as a Big Bounce, It is a Hypothetical Model.. It corresponds to the Heat Death of The Universe. (Entropy & 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). The "Big Crunch" Is related.
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
@splash , @secretclaveclass , @DJS , @Viviane - As Witnesses, you judged others as wrong, ignorant, unlearned or arrogant based on your "superior" knowledge of all things Scripture & Truth.
It seems that not much has changed.. Now instead of being experts on all Theological matters, you've transformed yourselves into experts on Typographical Matters... Your wisdom is something to be envied.
Google = "Title Case" "Start Case"
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
hello all- nice forum.i have been contemplating a fade for a while, and i have been reading various sites such as this one.
i have seen all kinds of things that have made me think.
but something came to mind lately, and i wanted to throw it out there-satan was cast down to the earth, and he is supposedly the cause of all imperfection.
the vedas are the core sacred texts for the people of the east.
generally the vedas are to the east as the hebrew scriptures are to the west.
supporters of the bible, boast of it's scientific accuracy,prophetic accuracy & general infallibility.
HI Freemind - Your right, there is Out of This world, stuff.
Your statement here is Reasonable, "What reason do you have to say it comes from "God"? Why not a time travelers?Why not aliens?" Without arguing God or Aliens, or a Superior Human race, you agree, that the Knowledge originates from a source,Greater and More Advanced than we are?
I will mention one aspect of the Vedas, that Indicates Knowledge, that only a Deity / Creator could Possess (I'n my opinion). I don't have a book / verse reference handy, however the Cycle of the universe, is Explained in 3 parts. ( I can find the Reference if you'd like)
These 3 Phases are said to Repeat Infinitely, and Interestingly enough there is a New model emerging in Physics that matches this Concept very closely. The model is Called "Big Bounce" and has Three Phases (Formation - Existence - Destruction > (Return to Formation).
Regarding the Conflicting Stories.. No writing in Existence, is Free from Error, and I certainly don't feel that the Vedas are Infallible.
The primary point of this Post, is to Encourage People to keep Seeking Truth, and not to view "Religious Texts" as all The Same, or as all worthless.