JoinedPosts by LAWHFol
Shunning Disfellowshipped & Apostate family Members. Scriptural?
by objectivetruth inanyone who is a witness or was previously a witness, is aware of the written & un-written rules concerning association with disfellowshipped family members.. there are a multitude of quotes through out the watchtower publications, but these 2 will suffice.. "are you proving yourself holy by not associating with family members or others who are disfellowshipped?
"the clear instruction in the bible is: avoid them.
that means that we have to stay away from them... the bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them... what must we do to avoid false teachers?
If there is anything to bible prophecy, keep an eye out on Israel
by EndofMysteries inwhat will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
There was a Rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel, who predicted with accuracy what would happen to israel over a 500 year period.. It's a good read for skeptics and non skeptics.
If there is anything to bible prophecy, keep an eye out on Israel
by EndofMysteries inwhat will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
How to deal with anxiety?
by BlackWolf inlately my mental health has been rapidly declining.
i have anorexia and deppression, and my anxiety has become overwhelming.
i have been to many doctors/therapists in the past, but because i have not been magically cured my parents dont want to get me any more help.
Has anyone noticed how in the October JW Broadcast, Losch encourages good works towards ALL people?
by Tenacious ini can't help but notice how this past year alone has seen the gb start to turn more towards the teachings of the christ instead of peddling their falsities.. study articles have talked in length about the fine works of christ.
assemblies have been dedicated to speaking about christ.
and this month's broadcast is about doing good to others copying the example christ left for us.. what's more shocking is that losch actually says kids should speak, share, and even give food and clothing to non-believers!!
If you were ‘God’, what would you do?
by JWchange inthis post is not meant to be blasphemous to non-atheists on this forum , just philosophical.
i refer to a god rather than the creator.
it;s 10,000 years in the future and you are a phd student with a brain the size of a planet, that has incredible technology at your fingertips to create life, similar to humans living today or better, intelligently and physically.
I would create a species that had the Ability & Desire to Evolve.
I would allow Evil, that when conquered / figured out, would result in the Evolution of my species.
I would reset the scales whenever Evil begins to overshadow Good.
I would not Desire worship, and I would encourage toleration of Beliefs.
WT opinion about anointed Christians
by Gorbatchov injesus said "look to the fruits" of real christians.. it is unbelievable that the wt says that new anointed christians are merely false.
how can humans decide who is anointed and who's not?.
how can the watchtower society say these unchristian statements?
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Viv - I've made several arguments, however you are the only person to not directly respond to any of my arguments.
Perhaps you have not been away from the Org for long?
It seems that you are resorting to the JW argument strategy, of avoiding statements with the clever insertion of Insults or nonsensical responses, I won't go back to verify this statement, but I would wager $1 USD that all of your responses have included the word "Drivel".. Why?
Edit - Ok I owe you $1.00 (Will you take payments?) Nonetheless, most of your responses have been simply mean. - Why?