If there is anything to bible prophecy, keep an eye out on Israel

by EndofMysteries 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    What will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.

    Bible prophecy did say Israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back. Russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.

    The last days, GT, etc, that the WT teaches is NOTHING like the bible actually teaches. Even the after part is nothing like it either.

    With middle east being riled up, recent developments within Israel, etc, if some buildup happens that appears it will surround and attack Israel (nothing happened back after Jesus time, though they were expecting something too which is probably why many remained), if the prophecies about gog and magog, King of the North/South, in Daniel, Ezekiel, etc, were to really happen would be that type of scenario.

  • LisaRose
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Ever finish that movie/video of yours promised a few years ago?

    Stories and more stories.


  • prologos

    keep an eye out on Israel and it's northern border

    LisaRose3 hours ago

    Meh.--tel Meh-giddo

  • wozza
    The end game - all the jews will move to hollywood and make movies - oh they are already there?
  • Finkelstein

    No there isn't anything to the self descriptive prophecies in the bible.

    They were man made story telling to create power and relevance to a specific god, an imaginary god like all the imaginary gods.

    Your fixated on the end times gobbly gook .

    Grow up or at least put a brain on.

    The JWS/WTS indoctrination must loosen up of few screws with its indulgent fear mongering.

  • nicolaou
    If there is anything to bible prophecy . . .

    There isn't, get over it.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    It's easy to predict ('prophesy') what will happen to Israel. You see, predicting that a nation will be attacked in the Middle East and elsewhere doesn't take much savvy since half of all nations have been at war sometime in their history. Duh.
  • kaik

    Israel has one of the strongest armies in ME and has the best equipped in the region. Only major possible military threat there could come from Turkey if this country get controlled by Islamists and leaves NATO. However, Turkey is a secular country for almost 100 years. Israel deals with insurgency and various terrorist groups since its foundation almost 70 years. Israel survived much worse.

    Russia does not have reason to threaten Israel, and up to 1/4 of population there was born in Russia or has ties there. Russian language is widely spoken in Israel. EU does not have anything against Israel. Jordan is American ally, and Egypt has enough internal problem. Iran is also not interested to go with war against Israel, because it would undermine its position within its country. Dictatorship with low public support seldom go in war because any defeat would swept them.

    So do not worry on Israel. Whatever was written in Daniel, Ezekiel happened in the past. No man can predict future 2500 years later.

  • JeffT

    According to this website, last year there were only 11 countries in the world not involved in a conflict. EVERYBODY has been in a war sometime or another.


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