Debunking Foucault is merely a matter of persistence and reading comprehension, combined with the logical capability of perceiving what is not there. As such, being able to successfully counter-argue his work should be required of all liberal arts students.
Unfortunately, most students (and many academics) seem to believe that the mere completion of Foucault is an accomplishment.
JoinedPosts by dilaceratus
Michel Foucault
by slimboyfat incan anyone understand a bloody word the man wrote?.
i am trying really hard.
have read archaeology of knowledge and part of the order of things.
To further Hillary_step's comparison between the Celebrated Scholars and their trailing squire:
From Chapter 20 of Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes:
Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the Ghosts
About this time, whether it was owing to the coolness of the morning that approached, or to his having supped upon something that was laxative; or, which is more probable, to the operation of nature --- Sancho was seized with an inclination and desire of doing that which could not be performed by proxy. But such was the terror that had taken possession of his soul that he durst not move the breadth of a nail-paring from his master's side. At the same time, it was as impossible for him to resist the motion of his bowels. And, therefore, to compromise the matter, he flipp'd his right hand from the hinder part of the saddle, and without any noise, softly undid the slip knot by which his breeches were kept up, upon which they of themselves fell down to his heels, where they remained like a pair of shackles. He then gathered up his shirt behind as well as he could, and exposed his posteriors --- which were none of the smallest --- to the open air.
This being done, and he imagined it was the chief step he could take to deliver himself from the pressing occasion and dilemma in which he was --- another difficulty, still greater, occurred; namely, that he should not be able to disencumber himself without noise. He therefore began to fix his teeth close, shrug up his shoulders, and hold in his breath with all his might. But --- notwithstanding these precautions --- he was so unlucky in the issue as to produce a rumbling sound very different from that which had terrified him so much. It did not escape the ears of Don Quixote who immediately cried, "What noise is that, Sancho?"
"I know not, sir," said the squire. "It must be some new affair, for adventures and misventures never begin with trifles." He tried his fortune a second time, and, without any more noise or disorder, freed himself from the load which had given him so much uneasiness. But, as Don Quixote's sense of smell was altogether as acute as that of his hearing, and Sancho stood so close to him, the vapours ascended towards him, almost in a direct line, and he could not exclude some of them from paying a visit to his nose.
No sooner was he sensible of the first salutation, than in his own defense he pressed his nose between his finger and thumb, and, in a snuffling tone, pronounced, "Sancho, thou seemest to be in great fear."
"I am so," answered the squire, "but, how comes your worship to perceive my fears now, more than ever?"
"Because, at present, thou smellest more than ever --- and that not of amber," replied the knight.
"That may be," said Sancho, "but I am not so much to blame as your worship, who drags me at such unseasonable hours into these uninhabited places."
"Retire three or four steps farther off, friend," resumed Don Quixote, stopping his nose all the time, "and henceforth take more heed of thy own person, and remember what thou owest to mine. For I find the frequent conversation I maintain with thee hath engendered this disrespect."
"I'll lay a wager," replied Sancho, "that your worship thinks I have been doing something I ought not to have done."
"The more you stir it, friend Sancho," said the knight, "the more it will stink." -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Okay, here's a Father O'Brien of Syracuse, courtesy of the Fulton Patriot:
Wedneday July 30, 1924 p. [?]:Rev. Father O'Brien of Syracuse
who has been named as the head of
the new Catholic church at Mexico
was given a farewell at St. Pat-
rick's church in Syracuse last week
and presented with a purse of $[3?]
Thursday December 6, 1936, p. [?]:Rev. Arthur O'Brien, his mother,
Mrs. Catherine O'Brien, and brother,
Harold O'Brien of Clarkson, were re-
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
O'Brien of West Ninth street. Father
O'Brien celebrated mass at the Holy
Family church Sunday. He and
Rev. William J. Tracy, pastor of the
Holy Family church, were ordained
to the priesthood at the same time.
No shortage of Catholic priests named O'Brien in rural New York, however. -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Oneonta, NY City Historian Mark Simonson's Daily Star column from March 2003: the years following World War I, a strong nativist sentiment grew across the country, sparking a return of the Ku Klux Klan. There had been an earlier generation of the Klan in the 1860s, after slavery was abolished, and this so-called "secret society" didn't approve of the rise in social and civil status of the former slaves. That era saw participation mainly in Southern states. But the 1920s resurgence had activities grow into 40 states. This fraternal organization, called the Invisible Empire, preyed upon the fears of the citizens and promoted hatred against most immigrants, especially the black, Catholic and Jewish sections of the population. Eventually, the targets of hatred expanded to all aliens, liberals, trade unionists and striking workers.
In a July 1923 Oneonta Herald, the first tangible evidence Oneontans had of the Klan presented itself on the Fourth of July. Three crosses were burned, one on a place called Round Top, another on a hill on Southside, and the third on a hill to the north of the city. The blazing outlines, visible for some distance, were first noticed in the evening sky around 9:30. The Klansmen did their work quietly and were not observed.
A month later, a large group assembled at the Knights of Pythias Hall on Main Street. They came to hear the Rev. N.V. Cossaboom of Buffalo speak on the "Ideals and Principles of the Ku Klux Klan." The Oneonta Herald reported: "Doubtless many in the audience were members of the order, but probably most of the men and women ... attended out of a naturalcuriosity to hear something about the organization whose secrecy has given it an attractive flavor ..." Fearing disorder might arise, police Chief Horton sent several patrolmen to the hall, but their services were not needed, as the meeting was peaceful in every respect. Cossaboom stated that one ideal of the Klan was the preservation of the public school system and the placing of the Bible in the schools. He also stated that the fiery crosses symbolized three things: service, sacrifice and light.
Binghamton became a center of the Klan's activities in New York state in the '20s. The Klan held its statewide convention there in 1924 and participated in a Binghamton mayoral election. That year, the Klan was at its peak of membership, estimated at 6 million across the nation.
In March 1925, exploding bombs and burning crosses were seen in the old stone quarry on Mount Moses, across the river from Sidney. In June of that year, the Klan held a meeting on the fairgrounds west of the village, with up to 1,500 Klansmen and spectators in attendance.
Across our region, while there was the visible presence of the Klan, there were no reported acts of violence. In other parts of the country, however, people were kidnapped, flogged and a few killed. Few prosecutions of Klansmen resulted, and in some communities, local officials helped them.... his zeal to combat the 18th Amendment, this outspoken Catholic mayor also drew the attention of powerful adversaries, including the Ku Klux Klan.
The Klan was on a mission of hate and division, specifically targeting Catholics. This made Schwab a prime target. The Klan sent a hit man to kill him, but failed to get the job done. Politically, Schwab was in a complex position, on one hand he was bound to enforce the law, on the other he had to do what he thought was right by campaigning for the legalization of light wines and beer. The Klan, backed by powerful Protestant leader Littleton E.H. Smith openly attacked Schwab saying he had "winked at lawlessness" and "advised others to become lawless." Schwab charged that the Ku Klux Klan was backing the agitation in the churches and announced that he would fire any city employee who joined the organization. "I won't permit the Ku Klux Klan to be organized in this city."...
... The Klan began gaining momentum, and Reverend L. E. H. Smith, a Black Rock pastor, preached that the Mayor was a "crook" and said that Buffalo was the most corrupt city in the country. Schwab charged Smith with being a Klansman, which was never denied....
...At a Klan parade on the Fourth of July in Binghamton, New York, an effigy of Mayor Schwab was an unusual exhibit....
Pictures of anti-Klan tactic used in 1924 by Mayor F. X. Schwab: -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Oh, and notice this from the Paisley quote:
An article in The Union and Echo, official diocesan organ of the Roman Catholic Church in Buffalo, in December 1950, declared:
Both of the Paisley quotes could be from the same source, confused and mangled. -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Letting go of the Paisley "December 1950" citation for the moment (which could be an error-- say, 1930, read as 1950), this makes some sense in terms of the Rutherford quote: Catholic weekly newspaper, in the right time frame, right place for a Syracuse correspondent, and has Aurora in the title.
Aurora und christliche Woche.
Published: Buffalo, N.Y. : Das Waisenhaus, [1900]-1943.
Description: 43 v.
Publication history: Began publication in 1900.
-Jahrg. 92, Nr. 28 (11. Feb. 1943).
Frequency: Weekly.
Absorbed: Katholische Deutschamerikaner 1914.
Absorbed by: Ohio Waisenfreund.
Notes: Has English language edition: Echo (Buffalo, N.Y.), Feb. 4, 1915-Aug. 17, 1939.
Formed by the union of: Christliche Woche, and: Aurora (Buffalo, N.Y.)
Call number: Microfilm no. 2444.
Summary holdings: 1913-1920, 1928-1943.
Detailed holdings: und christliche Woche.
Microfilm no. 2444.
Library has:
Nov. 7, 1913-July 30, 1920
Aug. 3, 1928-Oct. 3, 1930
Aug. 7, 1931-Feb. 11, 1943.
Given the elaborate devices used in the two O'Brien quotes, turning it into L'Aurora to give it more of an Italian feel... -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
My frustration at failing to find anything related to L'Aurora leaves me ticklish enough to wonder whether it isn't just an in-joke for Catholic bashers:, William L. "Lockhart's Last Journey." Rail Splitter, 3:4, December 1918. C368
An account of Lockhart's conviction on obscenity charges. According to the author it was because of Lockhart's opposition to Catholicism.
-------. Reminiscences of a Reformer's Life; or, Twenty-five Years on the Skirmish Line against Political Romanism. [Milan, Ill., The Author]. 1913. 229p. C369
Includes an account of mobbings for anti-Catholic lectures, also his arrest on an obscenity charge for sale of his book, Hell at Midnight in Springfield [Ill.].
-------. The Story of My Battle with the Scarlet Beast. [Milan, Ill., The Rail Splitter Press, 1932]. 441p. C370
The author describes his lifelong and often violent crusade against the Catholic Church and the alleged vices of its clergy. The latter part of the book is largely a reporting of the various efforts to suppress Clark's paper, The Rail Splitter, and other anti-Catholic literature, and his 1911 arrest and trial in Peoria, Ill., for an alleged obscene book--Hell at Midnight in Springfield--an exposé of vice and corruption in Springfield, Ill. Theodore A. Schroeder and the Free Speech League gave Clark legal aid. Clark also reports on the prosecution of B. O. Flower's anti-Catholic paper, The Menace. The fourth edition of Hell at Midnight (1914) gives an account of the Peoria trial. Rare Menace Newspaper, 1919. Menace was an anti Catholic newspaper from Aurora, Mo. Many vitriolic anto Catholic articles. Menace was a big KKK supporter. Reasonalby good condition, but not mint. $50.00
Menace Publishing Company seems to have put out a whole range of anti-Catholic books, as well. Popes of Rome, The
Long, Robert J
Format: Hardcover
Aurora, Ilinois: Menace Publishing Company, 1914. 346 pages, history(?) of the Popes and the Bishops of the first five centuries.. Second Edition. Blue Cloth. Very Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Catholic. Catholic, Popes, Anti-catholic. 5/12 Folder : Anti-Catholicism - Menace 1913,1932
* PANT 5/12 Title : When Knight Meets Knight
* PANT 5/12 Author : The New Menace
* PANT 5/12 Title : The Menace 1932
* PANT 5/12 Author : George Milburn 1932
* PANT 5/12 Title : Why I Organized Antidote Publishing Company
* PANT 5/12 Author : J.A. Campbell
* PANT 5/12 Title : To the Jury of American Peers
* PANT 5/12 Author : Marvin Brown
* PANT 5/12 Title : "The Menace" Self-Condemned 1913
* PANT 5/12 Title : Associated Menace Clubs of America By-Laws
* PANT 5/12 Title : The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
* PANT 5/12 Author : Menace Publishing Company
From a rather amazing treatise on the Roman Catholic assassination of Abraham Lincoln:
The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
by Burke McCarty, ex-Romanist
Originally published 1924 name one incident in which the ramification of this spy system may be seen, I call to the mind of those of my readers who read the Menace, published at Aurora, Mo., some years ago, when the editor of the Melting Pot, Mr. Tichener, accompanied by Mr. Marvin Brown, editor of the Menace, located fifty thousand cancelled envelopes which the Menace Publishing Company had sold to a junk dealer—as is the custom of publishers—in the offices of the German Catholic Central Verein at St. Louis, Mo.
The Menace ran a cut made from the snapshots which they had taken of these editors, inside the offices of the SPY headquarters, surrounded by bales of the Menace envelopes which Mr. Brown was about to appropriate, and succeeded in doing so, a fact which demonstrated that the Jesuits have not a corner on the market when it comes to cleverness.
The Aurora paper had for months been receiving complaints from its subscribers to the effect that they were being persecuted, and if in business, boycotted in their home towns by Roman Catholics, and it had been puzzling the editors as to the avalanche of complaints coming from all directions until the discovery of the big consignment of cancelled envelopes, a large proportion of which had had the return addresses on them. It was by this means that the list was procured. The publicity, which the Menace gave to this matter at the time, put a stop to the inquisition for the most part. This was an attack upon FREE PRESS, which these Leopoldines were pledging to execute.
This great Spy System penetrates every avenue of social life. The field of journalism has been invaded until a Roman Catholic sits at many important editorial desks of great newspapers, from coast to coast. They fill the reportorial staffs and other departments in the front offices and it goes without saying that the presses, composing rooms and other mechanical departments are dominated by them. -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
It is definitely not the Houston L'Aurora, which was published between 1917 and 1918:,-1,0,B/frameset&FF=taurora&6,,8
There was also a Boston L'Aurora, 1928-1930, affiliated somehow with the Paterson, NJ, anarchist L'Aurora which is not the source:,-1,0,B/frameset&FF=taurora&1,,8 -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Something called L'Aurora was being published around 1976-- Borghese article claimed to have a detailed list of conspirators who had penetrated into the Church, together with dates, numbers, and code names. These allegations were answered by a writer in L’Aurora, M. Jacques Ploncard, who asserted that no prelate had been affiliated with a secret society since the time of Charles X, the last of the Bourbons who ascended the throne in 1824, and was driven out by the revolution of 1830.
I don't know if this Jacques Ploncard is the same as the French Fascist who was affiliated with Le Pen's National Front.
Edited to add: Cited just to note the journal title's existence and timeframe; the website catholicvoice is yet another Illuminati/Jewish conspiracy/Catholic Heirarchy hate explosion. -
Golden Age Goodies
by Leolaia inrecently i had the pleasure to examine a stash of 1920s and 1930s golden age magazines, among the rarest of watchtower publications.
i thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread in which i share with you some of the amazing, ridiculous, hilarious things contained therein.
hence, this is the first post of a series of excerpts, scans, etc.
Another lead: L'Aurora Italian-American ethnic newspaper, out of Houston, TX. Not held by Center for American History at the University of Texas, publication span not listed. Americans
La Tribuna Italiano not held by CAH (OCLC: 9634301)
Texas Tribune [Jan 25, 1941-Apr 17, 1948] OR, [Jan 25, 1941-Dec 29, 1945] MF
Il Messaggiero Italiano [Sep 8, 1906-Dec 27, 1913] MF
La Stella del Texas not held by CAH (OCLC: 15802452)
L'Aurora not held by CAH (OCLC: 15798910)
San Antonio
La Voce Patria not held by CAH (OCLC: 15788764)
I don't find any mention of it on OCLC, however.