Update time. Police took it really rather seriously and a Special Agent chap (quite cute it must be said) arrived and took a copy of the whole thing away with him. Will be in touch with me tomorrow.
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Update time. Police took it really rather seriously and a Special Agent chap (quite cute it must be said) arrived and took a copy of the whole thing away with him. Will be in touch with me tomorrow.
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Well I am glad someone else got the email! At least I am not alone!
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Am notifying the police as we speak!
They are going to investigate it and let me know if they need anything from me. She told me to hold onto the email for now!
when i joined the jw's, i remember an elder stating that when you do less than the average number of hours in your month, mark the reason why in the back of the service report sheet that you give at the end of each month.. did anybody else receive these instructions way back in the late 80's?
I used to just lie about the hours I had done.
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
To discuss the Passover, or the judgement or the destruction or your transfer from the JWs to the LWs please email [email protected]
Or call…
1 - 701 451 2886 (US)
1 - 718 909 5518 (US)
1 - 218 937 5448 (US)
+49 7955 926 9888 (Germany)
+49 177 3616 234 (Germany)
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+43 3182 29994 (Austria + Germany + Switzerland)
+44 207 424 5398 (UK)
Fax +44 207 288 7473 (UK)
Fax: +43 1804 9541 (Austria)
Fax: +41 33 334 6161 (Switzerland)
The Lords’ Witnesses
93 Shepperton Road
London N1 3DF
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
and more....
But scripturally there was no way that we were going to do any large sign before we did the sign of Jonah, since Jesus said…
29 When the crowds were massing together, he started to say: This generation is a wicked generation; it looks for a sign. But no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah.
30 For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, in the same way will the Son of man be also to this generation (Luke 11).
So the sign of Jonah must come first. And we do that 40 days before your destruction. In fact the 10 kings of the UN Peace Building Commission appear 12 days before your destruction. They appear on 2006Iyyar29. On that day Peace and Security is emphatically declared.
The Brooklyn Bethel of course is not the physical target of the bomb, the United Nations is that target. For the sudden destruction is to be instantly upon the ones declaring Peace and Security. And the ones making that declaration are those in the UN across the river from you.
The Bethel will be physically destroyed due to its physical proximity (3 miles) to the United Nations complex. You might say what has that got to do with us? Surely it is just unfortunate that our head quarters happen to be too near to the head quarters of the United Nations. But God uses the physical to teach us about the spiritual. Your sin, as you well know, is that you became spiritually too close to the United Nations, committing idolatry with them, by riding the beast of Revelation 17, which represents them, as a UN NGO, for nearly 10 years from January 28/29 1992, to October 9 th 2001.
And Jesus is fully aware of your physical proximity to the UN…
13 I know where you are dwelling, that is, where the throne of Satan is; and yet you keep on holding fast my name, and you did not deny your faith in me even in the days of Antipas, my witness, the faithful one, who was killed by your side, where Satan is dwelling (Revelation 2).
So you joined up with the organisation where, in your own published understanding, ‘the throne of Satan is’ and where ‘Satan is dwelling’.
Allow me therefore to explain the gravity of your sin, and the precise punishment that God gave you for it.
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Exactly Leolaia. I think it's all bollocks.... just not sure why I got the email....
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
The MUST have got my email off this site. It's the only Ex JW site I use my hotmail email with...
Have visited their site, no sign of the word doc they sent me:
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Is there a way to attach a document to a post? And I shall post the entire Document...
got an email from bill [[email protected]] with a word docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the physical distruction of brooklyn bethel in 40 days time...
here is an excert:.
Got an email from Bill [[email protected]] with a Word Docement attached (32 pages long) warning me of the Physical Distruction of Brooklyn Bethel in 40 days time... HUH??
Here is an excert:
Open Letter to All Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Watchtower Administration will be physically destroyed in 40 days from the date of this letter.
2006Iyyar1 (2006 April 29 th / 30 th )
Dear Brothers,
The time has come for me to do the sign of Jonah as instructed by the holy spirit. The instruction came not through any direct revelation, but through the symbolic interpretation of Jonah chapters 3 and 4, with help from the helper. The help came through myself and other members of the 4 th true Christian church (TCC4), the Lords’ Witnesses, and through the true bible code. This letter uses ‘you’ to mean the slave of Matthew 24.
Sometime during the reign of Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash, the king of Israel (842-802 BC), Jonah was instructed by God to give this message to the Ninevites…
4 Only 40 days more and Nineveh will be destroyed (Jonah 3).
I, today, have 4 scriptural witnesses (1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Kings 18, Acts 1:20, Jonah 3-4) which instruct me to inform you as a result of our interpretation of these scriptures, that in 40 days time, on 2006Sivan11 (which runs from sundown of June 8 th until sundown of June 9 th 2006), the Watchtower administration complex in Brooklyn will be physically destroyed....
Anyone else get this? Let me know via PM with your email and I shall forward it to you should you wish to read more...