Vidiot, you will be featured again in the next update of the Apostate Dictionary!
For funnies, how about the ridiculous, Caleb cartoons, and jw flash mobs?
i just thought we could share some of the funniest moments since its the holiday season and we are taking things easy.
Vidiot, you will be featured again in the next update of the Apostate Dictionary!
For funnies, how about the ridiculous, Caleb cartoons, and jw flash mobs?
Congrats, tableforone!
I'll be writing a DA letter on a Christmas card to the BOE.
It would be kinda awesome if you made the card out of that pic when they celebrated xmas at bethel.
Anyways...mine--better work/life balance, get closer to some friends, remodel my house, yoga every day.
i was totally p***d off about watchtower teaching u should keep your life simple and not investing in treasures in the earth etc while they are buying luxury apartments and forcing its residents out on the street including children.
so i got on with an email and sent it as follows.
if any from uk want to launch a complaint go to
i had read someplace that those who go to help on these building projects have to pay for their own food and lodging.
Please tell me they're not going to charge volunteers to stay at the apartments. 8|
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
i seriously doubt That the secret service agent That allowed a guy to have something in his pocket even if was told not to, would have been sacked.
The angels hid it from their view just like they hid Daniel from the lions. Duh.;)
It strikes me (again) that the bible itself is urban myths like this.
dear brothers ans sisters.
i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back.
do you think its a fact or an other urban legend.
It's probably a lie just like the other jw urban myths. They sure like to talk about famous people encountering dubs, don't they?
If true, big whoop. You can meet the President and try to hand him something. And any good politician would say thanks I'm gonna read it, right before he throws it in the circular file.
as i continue my sllllooooooowwwwwww fade one of the things that i want to do is better myself as a person.
one of my biggest pitfalls has always been drinking.
i don't think i am an alcoholic but at the same time i've never been a very good drinker.
Whatever your label is, you need to stop this behavior or it will kill you. You're going to continue to develop tolerance to get the same buzz.
7 drinks in 1 day is not normal and it's very bad for your health.
A professional can help you figure out why you're doing this and develop strategies to deal with what underlies it as well as techniques to stop.
what if the almighty gb announced that all shunning will cease, and next minute all the people who have shunned you start calling and texting saying "hi, we're baaaack, we can talk to you now!".
what would do you do, and how do you react?.
What would do you do, and how do you react?
Keep them on my block lists just like always. (Facebook, email, etc.)
Add them to my phone block lists.
IOW, I don't want to have contact with them.
today i added a new article to my blog addressing an article written by a jw medical doctor in a regional medical journal.
it's part of an initiative giving attention to how licensed medical professionals among jws have dealt with the blood transfusion subject.
what they say, how they say it, and what they don't say are all very telling.
Good points in that article.
BTW there is nobody by that name on file with the GA medical licensing authority at this time. FYI
i was totally p***d off about watchtower teaching u should keep your life simple and not investing in treasures in the earth etc while they are buying luxury apartments and forcing its residents out on the street including children.
so i got on with an email and sent it as follows.
if any from uk want to launch a complaint go to