urban legends

by chirac 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chirac

    dear brothers ans sisters

    i just received this mail in french..(thank you google to have translates it)..this mail is from a still inside brother who encourage to come back

    do you think its a fact or an other urban legend

    with you....dear  brothers and sister

    barack Obama received the message of the Kingdom. The story received is shown in the image below.

    This fact was mentioned at a meeting in Ohio, USA.


    Because of the economy is doing so poorly in the United States, President Obama visited companies OHIO up to three times this year.
    There is a company working in this or a brother, a Jehovah's Witness who was chosen to be part of a group to greet the President when it comes to giving a speech in his factory. His brother, who is also a Jehovah's Witness, asked him in jest if he was ready to preach to President Obama.

    His brother then told him that if he had the opportunity to do so, he would.

    Then he realized that indeed he was going to have the opportunity to do so and to profit.
    He prayed to God all night and all morning before going to work.

    "Whether it's the FBI (9 officers), they have expressly requested to present employees put nothing in their pockets, or put their hands in their pockets.".
    Our brother has asked, or he was going to put the book "the Bible really teaches," that he intends to give it.
    He took the risk anyway, to put the book "taught" in his back pocket.

    Each employee has been inspected and searched, but no FBI agents did not notice that he had the book in his pocket.
    In addition, they told the brother that he would be the last to meet President Obama.
    Then the brother keeps the book in his left hand, so that he could greet President Obama with his right hand.
    Then, while waiting his turn, he observed in all these colleagues to whom President Obama has granted twenty seconds to chat with, followed by a hug.
    Our brother was there thinking: "In twenty seconds, I could never have time to make a presentation and offer him the book" taught. "

    But our brother continued to pray to God. Then came his turn, and President Obama finally comes to the brother and extends his hand.

    Immediately, the brother said, "Mr. President, would it be appropriate to offer a book? "President Obama said clearly: Yes, of course!
    Then the brother gives him the book "teaches" and said: "I know that you have had to face many problems, since your election as President.

    The open book, he shows a chapter to President Obama, and explains that all the things that are currently happening in the world, will find relief, comfort and satisfaction, and that all the problems we have today belong things of the past and will be permanently removed. "

    The President thanked him, and examining the question in the title of the chapter, smiled, saying he was looking forward to reading this book.

    So, brothers and sisters, you can say that even President Obama has heard the Good News of the Kingdom.
    This mail was sent to us by a brother belonging to the district "12 A" of the state of Ohio.
    And this story has been reported to 1,029 assistants of the District Assembly, which was held this summer 2014 in the state of Ohio, USA.

  • leaving_quietly

    This was discussed a couple of years ago:


    My only comment is: So what? Placing a book means nothing. Did the President become a JW? No. If he did, that would be worth reporting on.

  • Phizzy

    It just shows how the Mind-controlled JW's have been persuaded that pushing a piece of literature into someone's hand constitutes someone having "heard the Good News of the Kingdom".


  • chirac

    thank you leaving quietly...you are right

    greetings from france

  • chirac

  • LisaRose
    The secret service is responsible for security for the president, not the FBI. You would think if they were going to tell a whopper like that they should at least attempt to make it remotely believable. 
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Big deal. President Eisenhower's mother was a Bible Student/JW.

    For a religion that is supposedly reaching every kingdom, why would they get excited about some dub that might or might not have given some litteratrash to Obama? Shouldn't they be trying to reach the Saudi royal family, the leaders and population of so many non-Christian places, and isolated places like North Korea?

    Besides, since WT has released a new Bible, isn't that book "old light"?

  • rebel8

    It's probably a lie just like the other jw urban myths. They sure like to talk about famous people encountering dubs, don't they?

    If true, big whoop. You can meet the President and try to hand him something. And any good politician would say thanks I'm gonna read it, right before he throws it in the circular file.

  • suavojr
    Well, you can find a YouTube video where a lady handed the teach book to the late Hugo Chavez. Did that change anything in Venezuela? A big fat NO! Chavez passed away and that country is still under a dictator. 
  • sylvlef

    Just received the same e mail in french This morning,from one of my Family jw.

     seems That This week it Is time for french jw to tell tales...

     it does not seem to be True...if it was, i seriously doubt That the secret service agent That allowed a guy to have something in his pocket even if was told not to, would have been sacked. They know better than having the président at risk the same way than David Palmer in the last épisode of 24 season 2. Even if there has been recent issues with white house security.


     still,it reminds me of the same urban legends i Heard as a child on France, of some people "witnessing" to french président in the 80's or to the french prime minister in 1995 (for those who follow France, Guys names were Francois Mitterrand and Alain Jupé).

     but how weird, we Never knew the names of those witnesses and they never were invited to tell their story at an assembly...


     looks like a "fairy" tale to me...


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