Herding cats
Posts by rebel8
Poster country flags and privacy
by Simon inthe new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
Oh boy. I just now thought to search the litteratrash for keyword Rasputin. Yep, no wonder why they were on about that so much with me.
"July 17, 1918, the date of Nicholas Romanoff’s execution by the Bolsheviki, is not too long ago for us to remember the last of the Russian czars, Nicholas II. Of him The Encyclopedia Americana (volume 20, page 315) says: “His superstition was shown by his consultation of fortunetellers, spiritualists, mystics and charlatans in his desire to secure a male heir, his first four children being all girls.” He is all too well known for his connections with the notorious Russian Monk Gregor Novikh, nicknamed “Rasputin,” meaning “dissolute, profligate, libertine, licentious,” because such he was. Rasputin came of a peasant family with an inherited gift of mesmerism. He started a new cult, in which dancing and debauchery were mixed in with mystical seances. He was introduced to the Russian Imperial Court, where for years he exercised a powerful influence with Nicholas II, who retained him in his court, even against the protest of others." - "The Watchtower," 9/1/55, pp. 528,529.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
I really don't know if the Shaklee thing was widespread among jws at that time. I've heard it was but I don't personally remember. I was pretty young then and had little exposure to the rest of the dubs' herbal practices. Or maybe I just don't remember. It was definitely a big thing in my area, along with iridology, muscle testing, kinesiology, and a form of hypnotism to recover supposed suppressed memories (I can't remember what they called it). Oh and that thing where you hover your hands over someone to manipulate their qi. I do know dubs in other areas who to this day still are really into this stuff, even doing it as their main source of income.
Please remember, I have a very rare disorder, and as such, my experience was pretty unique. I'm sure the run-of-the-mill dub never has a conversation about Rasputin or is called a vampire in the kh ladies' room. I aim to point out the scientific illiteracy, coupled with a paranoia about proof and an affinity for the unproven, is dangerous.
JWs and Multiple Personality Disorder
by Illuminated ini remember the first time i was hit with my loves cult personality.
knowing the real him, my jaw dropped witnessing this switch.
i thought he had lost it.
Well one is a documented medical disorder, albeit controversial. (I treated many people with it and I have yet to believe in it. But I digress.)
The other is something entirely different than a medical disorder. As BB pointed out, people do throw around psychiatric terms loosely (depressed, paranoid, anti-social) and they only resemble the official medical meaning when this happens.
In this case it's totally unrelated.
Poster country flags and privacy
by Simon inthe new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
millie210, I don't know what your motive is so I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are being sincere and not trying to be disrespectful. But please consider that I have just shared with you a tale of decades of severe child abuse and neglect and its consequences, giving examples of why non-evidence-based medicine is dangerous, and concluding with the admonition about scientific literacy. And you have replied in support of the very abuse and neglect that I experienced.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
People havent improved their lifespan or quality of life anymore now than in the course of human history.
Figure 4. Female Life Expectancy in Developed Countries: 1840-2009
Poster country flags and privacy
by Simon inthe new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
Rebel8: but do you agree this is then limiting what these people can discuss as well as not solving the problem of information revealed in the past?
I spoke to future posts in my previous comments, but I do not know if it is a fact that previous posts will be flagged with a country. Does the geolocator look for where you were and where you are when it adds the country flag to your posts?
What if you both stopped posting with your current account before the change took place? Then you could re-register with a new account and be sure to obscure anything personally identifiable.
Is that technologically feasible, Simon?
Another thought--how many of these tiny countries are English speaking (and therefore would be able to participate on this forum)? If they're not English speaking countries but the poster speaks English, that would both help and hinder identification. Speaking English in a non-English country narrows down identities, but reduces the possibility that person can be found by an Internet search (because those searching would have to be searching English forums in English search engines).
There is also the fact that showing countries gives the wts minions less places to hide when searching this forum. They could, of course, see some info w/o registering, but not the members-only area, which is where those from tiny countries could post. Now that we have the new feature previewing active threads, it is less of an issue to get participation in threads posted to those sections.
Will it be possible to search for posters who are from a certain country? I thought not. -
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.