Jws Nice people - utterly deluded.
Many of the dubs I know are evil, immoral bullies--a much higher proportion of those types within dubbery than outside of it.
As to the OP....None of that is true, but whatevah floats ya boat.
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
Jws Nice people - utterly deluded.
Many of the dubs I know are evil, immoral bullies--a much higher proportion of those types within dubbery than outside of it.
As to the OP....None of that is true, but whatevah floats ya boat.
mormon leaders have moved to excommunicate the prominent founder of an online forum for questioning mormons, charging him with apostasy for publicly supporting same-sex marriage and the ordination of women, and for challenging church teaching.. .
once i was talking to myself: religions are all about sacrifices (and rituals), viewing god as a means to get forgiveness of sins and material benefits, and bible is no exception.
yet the foundation of the universe is on the never-failing principle of cause and consequences, something which god will never violate.
forgiveness of sins is a violation of principle of cause and consequencessomething that bible itself ironically upholds in galatians 6:7 and in many other verses!
sorry, i messed up before i could put the right title on this new light from our circuit overseer, his visit show's a great desperation in the organization's mindset, adding more anxiety and guilt to jws who already feel they don't measure up!.
hi, i attended the circuit overseers visit and got really angry because our c.o.
gave information coming from the governing body's chief apologists regarding "meeting attendance" and "the couple who missed one meeting and lost their entire family because they did not get the "411" when armageddon was coming!
The Israelites had meetings on Wednesdays and Sundays? lol.
That message works. For a moment, while reading the OP, I was back in the day, thinking I had to attend every single meeting in case the Big A came. And then I snapped out of it. But yeah it's an effective message.
miss the day when Jehovah's Faithful Slave tell's them "its time to go in the secret room
Repeating for emphasis: They are still talking about hiding out. Preppers.
i was in the house with her for all of the last week of her life.
she went quietly and peacefully and had people that cared a lot for her around at the end.
she and dad touched a lot of lives in very positive ways.
i have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
just heard of a congregation who has announced a saturday afternoon get-together at an elder's home - to let those who don't have the internet watch the jw tv monthly shows!!!!.
words fail me..
http://video.ted.com/talk/podcast/2013/none/bono_2013-480p.mp4 (download - right click, save file as)http://www.ted.com/talks/bono_the_good_news_on_poverty_yes_there_s_good_news.
Wasn't that 50% reduction all B.S. because they changed the poverty line from a dollar a day to $1.25 a day?
Wouldn't that increase who is considered poor, if the income threshold was raised?
i was reading on a european ex jw forum where some feel that watchtower's railing against higher education is primarily for north america issue.
this is due that many in usa and canada leave home to leave on campus.
it was mentioned that many young european jw attend universities and its not frowned on.. i found this odd because i heard what morris and losch said about education in italy.
The Europeans aren't as gullible as their U. S. counterparts.
The question is why there is a difference in teachings in the different countries.
It seems disbelief is correlated positively with education levels in both Europe and North America. Not sure how valid that survey is, but it seems it's all we have in the way of real data.
That finding would seem to require the same doctrine to prevent attrition. I do believe that's the main reason for the anti-education stuff. (This is why I wasn't even allowed to attend science courses in primary school, for Pete's sake! Had nothing to do with leaving home.)
with all the jehovah's witnesses child abuse scandals being reported on by the media around the world at the moment what were the governing body of jehovah's witnesses thinking?.
link to activity page:http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/activities/time-to-get-ready/.
ToesUp, 30 years behind the times is catching up for them. :)
For those of you who thought the paper dolls were sick, can you explain more about that? These look like just regular old-fashioned children's toys. It's not saying let Brother Pedobear zip your jeans...
Maybe it's a generational thing, those who aren't familiar with paper dolls find it more shocking because it involves undressing?