It is a fact that disassociation is a religious ritual of jws. It is a fact that you voluntarily participated in it.
This statement of fact requires no authority--it is simply a fact we all know is true, including you.
Your reasons for doing so do not change the fact that it is a religious ritual you participated in. If you are enthusiastic about it, great--why not embrace it for what it truly is then?
Who do you think appears to be more under WTS control, someone honest enough to state their view publicly, or someone who pretends to still be JW who does not believe any of it?
I am not sure if you mean this the way I am taking it, but that sounds like a false dichotomy: Either you DA or you are pretending to be a jw.
Because it is totally possible to "state a view publicly" without DAing, those who choose to DA must have a different purpose. Whatever that is, it's their own choice to make and affects me in no way whatsoever.
DAing was your chosen path. Surely you can respect that others can make their own choices too.