Posts by rebel8
Giant fruit in Canaan/TNS
by rebel8 inok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
I don't remember a teaching that dubs will become giants in TNS. ;0 -
Giant fruit in Canaan/TNS
by rebel8 inok bible scholars, do i have this right?.
jehoopla promised the israelites lots of great stuff in the promised land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out.
they came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.. from this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of king king's skull when they get to their own promised land (the new system).
Ok bible scholars, do I have this right?
jehoopla promised the Israelites lots of great stuff in The Promised Land, but they didn't believe him so they sent spies to check it out. They came back with fruit so large it had to be carried on a branch by 2 men.
From this, dubs believe they are going to have strawberries the size of King King's skull when they get to their own Promised Land (The New System).
They posit the reason our fruit is smaller is that we are destroying Earth with all of our sinful wind chimes and wizard toys. Once that horror has stopped, the fruit will get bigger. You'll be able to eat a single grape for lunch!
Giant produce is why we won't have a problem with hunger. (I wonder if this doctrine originated when Miracle Wheat was a thing.)
I've been looking for evidence of actual giant grapes in Canaan, or something it could have been mistaken for, but I can't find it.
Christ in You The Hope of Glory:Being Realized
by hopeofglory inthe mystery of the ages was revealed to the gentiles 2000 years ago.
the mystery is "christ in you, the hope of glory" (colossians 1:27).
the churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles.
CAH closing down in upstate NY
by oppostate inyet another circuit assembly hall is going to be sold off!.
they've been reducing the amount of congregations assigned to meet there and using the times when it isn't in use to make repairs.
elders have now been informed that they are selling off the property and buildings and that circuits would be assigned to attend other sites, twice as far, three or four hours away, like montreal.
I helped build that one.
What a waste of resources. They should renovate old buildings if they want to do a good thing for communities, and get positive press.
Since man is unable to create life does this mean
by Crazyguy indoes this mean possible a creator did or does exist.
there is plenty of evidence of a slow evolutionary changes over millions of years and i do not disagree with this.
but again that fact that mankind can not create a living creature from scratch mean there must be a creator?
Humans have created life though, right? Cloning, test tube babies? -
A Taxi Driver Gave Me 4 Magazines This Morning
by Tempest in a Teacup inas we had reached my destination, i paid him and was getting down when he handed me something.
then i saw it was the wt and awake.
i just had the time to say: "oh, okay, thank you!
Me personally, I would contact the employer to let him/her know an employee is preaching while on duty. Holding cultists to rules/policies is a good strategy. -
Freedom of speech can only guarantee an audience of one
by Brokeback Watchtower inin my house i feel that freedom of speech is important but it can only guarantee an audience of one.
i know women need to vent and i try to give them as much space as possible without interjecting any judgement on the validity of what is been vented in other words i give space for these events as best i could and try to listen with an open mind because there truely is a message there some where but i admit i'm a dense male to the female of our species.
but i tend to shy away from over venting and cringe at being subjected to them and so while a person has the right to free speech in my house they don't have the right to an audience of more than one.
Venting is not related to gender.
A Taxi Driver Gave Me 4 Magazines This Morning
by Tempest in a Teacup inas we had reached my destination, i paid him and was getting down when he handed me something.
then i saw it was the wt and awake.
i just had the time to say: "oh, okay, thank you!
I wonder how his employer would feel about this. -
Anti-JW billboard going up in Texas
by sunny23 inthe first ever billboard has been crowd funded on reddit and will be going up.
i'm curious to know if it will cause a spark in any jw's who already have questions or doubts and lead them to research into the child abuse cases and lead them to the thought that the wt and gb are not inspired or gods mouthpiece.
at the very least it will provide people a topic of conversation and questions to the jw's who knock on their door: "so whats this whole sex abuse in kingdom halls thing about i saw on the billboard down the road?
Why would non-JWs be interested? It targets a very, very small group
Right. Either......this billboard is directly next to a KH and was targeted specifically at the dubs who would see it on their way in (who travel from that direction on the road)...OR... would have been better to consult with a marketing professional first. Billboards reach the general public. They don't know what a KH and elders are and since the message says "your KH", it's not a message directed at them anyway. People ignore ads not directed at them personally, like I ignore ads about prostates and baby diapers.
For the general public, the messaging should be cult prevention, which could easily be done with a similar tagline like, "Is a cult recruiter knocking on your door?"
I'd rather see public awareness change.
Me too--too bad this message doesn't really accomplish that. :(
Boldness, willingness to follow through, creativity and ability to get needed financial support are all skills this individual obviously has and are needed for a successful project. Unfortunately marketing knowledge may be missing (again, unless it's reaching specific JWs who see this particular billboard on the side of the road they travel on). -
Should a Submissive Wife be Allowed Behind the Wheel of a Car?
by snugglebunny indriving does require a high degree of control after all, don't you agree?.
No. Women cannot control themselves; sometimes we cannot even hold back from falling all over the brothers and causing them to commit fornication with us. Just like Eve, we're temptresses with no self control.
Next, our brains are smaller than men's and therefore we're dumber.
Also, women's menstrual periods bring on hormonal fluctuations that cause us to be unable to make rational decisions or take on the burden of leadership. Imagine a woman having to make a split second choice between hitting the brake or ramming into a toddler who ran out into the road, or having to take the lead by going first at an intersection with a stop sign? The burden would be too much.
These are all true facts printed in wts publications.