Having a bleeding disorder and being an inferior gender in the jw cult was "interesting". The dubbies had a lot of whacked out fears about me.
"Hemo-philia" means "like/attract" and "blood" which means you like blood. Vampires like blood too. Therefore you are like a vampire. Vampires are demonic; therefore you may be possessed by demons.
Rasputin treated a hemophiliac boy using magic spells. Magic spells are from demons; you have a similar medical issue as that boy. Therefore you may be possessed by demons.
Much of this was sparked when the dubbies would see me having marathon nosebleeds at the kh and realizing it's impossible to not have a single drop go down your throat. And swallowing it instead of pouring it on the ground is a huge sin.
I was in my early teens when these things were said to me. Reprehensible.
Later, when HIV was identified, and some hemophiliacs had it, I was told I shared in the sin of gay men because they had the same disease. Obviously it was a curse from Jehovah. I was a virgin heterosexual girl.
I had blood products before becoming a dub (not while I was a dub) and they said I would be naturally sinful because I had other people's personalities inside my body from their blood.
They theorized I had so much innate sin coursing through my veins that Jehovah would not be able to allow me to survive through Armageddon--only through paying the wage of death could I be considered clean. (I was terrified of that but not sure they were correct.)