The COBE of the local Kingdom Hall never paid my ex-wife for the work done because they promised they would use "trade" to reimburse close to $5000 worth of work. As you can imagine nobody here would like him because he believes all the Pedophiles can change their ways after the Child Sex Offenders have proved their humility by bowing before the Judicial Committees.
This is how honest Jehovah's Witnesses are, they changed her work from a 1200 sq. ft Granny in to a 2200 sq ft. house the County Inspector, he some how missed 1000 sq ft over overbuilt home! They prayed to their god the Tax Agency and County not see all their Illegal Building, Jehovah answered their prayers because the County Inspector was sick that day and ran through their house without catching it!
Using back tax methods I can prove the COBE owes at least $40,000 in back taxes to the County and Franchise Tax Board, should I report them? The Statue of Limitations don't apply to owing State Taxes, one big company tried to sneak in a building buying it and not reporting the purchase to the State and local municipalities. Company XYZ got slammed, they had to pay back the State for 13 years and the Whistle Blower got screwed out of his reward because the State never honored their arrangement.
Should I put up fliers telling everyone his business will also help them evade taxes like him and his cobe-wife have done for decades? Could I help the public better understand how a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall leader and his wife have no problems stealing from the Government! They both were the first to attack Candace Conti and have the highest regards for pedophiles who will confess their sins before a judicial committed because that's proof they changed! The husband and wife are sociopaths, they take the local pedophiles in Field Service and travel together because that's the type of people JWs are!
When did I change my attitude towards this locally known JW Pair, when they started attacking the victims of Sex Offenders like Candace! Locally her husband was vicious to another two victims because the Pedophiles were his friends, they are very twisted people using this religion as their base! I will never forget the day her COBE husband said "Candace Contii would lose her lawsuit and if she won, she was in the wrong because at her age she should have told a adult or probably enticed him. He was looking at her current photos and based his statement on them, not the child who was molested!
So how do my Ex-Wife's money back from psychopaths like these, lovers of pedophiles and thieves? I wrote all this background because it's not easy going the correct route and this bitch who promised us money. Their evil and I am willing to do what it takes to get her all monies owed, SOL have expired but do Jehovah's Witnesses have a Statue of Limitation on Stealing? Should I write to Bethel and tell them everything I told you except their love of Pedpohiles?