I don't know your reasoning, but I do wish you peace and closure.
Posts by rebel8
I disfellowshipped my parents this week..
by fulano ini just wrote them a mail, telling them to not contact me any more under any circumstances, illness or death (79 and 83 years old).
unless they leave the cult and would apologize for our f*'.ed-up upbringing which ruined our whole life.
100th post writer's block.
by cappytan inso i've been trying to decide what to post as my 100th topic.
i decided on posting something simple.. so, i'm ready to branch out in my social media relationships.
i have deleted all of my jw friends on facebook.
Milestones are important.
Especially to those of us who were not allowed to observe milestones. :D
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
I find these giant fraud stories fascinating--those who fake cancer to get $, etc. It's so fascinating it can even happen in the Information Age.
This case is so blatant, worse than Catch Me if You Can.
Anonymous email arrived in my inbox! Advice needed please...
by Anon_SA1 inhey guys!
i am not a jw, never been one, but linked to a born in jw via family.
last week i received an email from an anonymous person.
Isn't this a copyright violation? -
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
She has a lot of stories, period. Also claims she had cancer, her pretend black dad has cancer, she's gotten many threatening things in the mail and at her house (deemed unfounded), date raped, abused by parents, abused by husband, and the list goes on.
She claims her blonde braids were her own hair before she lost it due to chemo, and she continues to wear them periodically. Is that weird? I don't know--I've never had hair attached to my own--but it seems odd to save and re-wear a memento of cancer. (I've had cancer and I personally would never have even thought of doing something like this.)
In 2006, Doležal developed cervical cancer. During chemotherapy, she decided to keep her incredibly long, blonde dreadlocks she had had and still puts them on today. She was considered cured in 2008. - See more at: http://easterneronline.com/35006/eagle-life/a-life-to-be-heard/#sthash.1aUk3liU.VJxEwU7q.dpuf -
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
She has quite the stories, doesn't she?
Richard Dawkins espouses Militant Atheism: "Mock them, Ridicule them." Attack Religious People with Insults!
by MagicMItchJensen inrichard dawkins has said frequently if we don't agree with religious or spiritual people we need to "insult them!
" tell their their out of their "fucking gourds!
" and make sure you really show them how stupid they are for believing in something they can't prove!".
As unpalatable and perhaps morally wrong as it may be, shame is effective.
Dawkins wants to see social change happen and advocates use of an evidence-based technique to do so.
Me, I no longer find any reason whatsoever to respect religious beliefs. However, I have little responsibility to repair others' erroneous beliefs, and have little desire to engage in debates about every single thing that's wrong in the world.
Pseudoscience and religion hurt the entire planet and always will. I speak up when I believe it will accomplish something. Changing individuals' minds is a waste of my energy--I typically only speak out when I have the opportunity to affect more than just one individual.
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
There is a lot more to the story than has been posted in this thread.
She made up a story about receiving a threatening package due to her race, and claims she's had other threats due to her being black.
She had a photo taken with 2 black men and lied about them being her dad and brother, even after being confronted.
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
In some circles ( Native American for instance) the person can claim to be part of the identity if they are as little as 1/16 of that ethnicity.
Her small American Indian heritage is not being disputed. What is being debated is she is lying about being part of other ethnic groups that she is 0% a part of.Have you seen her rants about white people?
Where is the crime here?
She lied on a government document, for starters. More importantly, her deceit has hurt the people and the causes she claims to be supporting. She deserves ridicule.
She could have said, "I have black siblings and children. I studied these issues because I'm interested in them," and then continued to pursue the same jobs and volunteer positions. It would have actually been interesting--maybe even unusual/refreshing--to have someone with her perspective be an outspoken advocate. It would have helped racial harmony, I think. Instead she harmed all of that by lying. -
The incredibly white NAACP leader
by Simon inthis is a bizarre story.. there is a woman who is the local leader of the naacp who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white.
very white.. she obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange.
yes, orange really is the new black!.
How is this any different than the Caitlyn Jenner situation?
- Black Pretender is lying to gain sympathy. Jenner knows she will not get sympathy from most people and has always understood revealing the truth will cause a wave of hatred --a change from being America's hero.
- Black Pretender is lying to get things she is not entitled to, such as jobs, prestigious volunteer posts, and access to powerful people. Jenner is telling the truth to find relief from the stress caused by concealing it, and understands it will distance her from jobs, prestigious volunteer posts, and access to powerful people.
- Black Pretender is lying. Jenner is telling the truth.
- Jenner suffers from a documented medical condition. Black Pretender suffers from being a liar, liar, pants on fire.
- Black Pretender is adopting someone else's identity, culture and characteristics for personal gain. Jenner is being herself.
I will stop now...