Posts by rebel8
Creationist Museum Acquires 5,000-Year-Old T. Rex Skeleton
by freemindfade increationist museum acquires 5,000-year-old t. rex skeleton.
news january 15, 2003. vol 39 issue 01 science & technology science religion.
tulsa, okin a major coup for the growing field of creation science, the perfectly preserved remains of a 5,000-year-old tyrannosaurus rex were delivered monday to tulsa's creationist museum of natural history.. .
I seriously hope they aren't going to destroy it. -
Disfellowshipped at 18
by asensier inyou can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
You are being abandoned and it's not an act of love.
So you are now in the position many of us have been in--having to rebuild your life. I'm glad to hear you have a supportive BF. Get new friends that are trustworthy and supportive, use the "gift" of life to the max by making the most of your intelligence and time. In other words, build a life worth living.
JW Org Flags at R.C.
by ToesUp inphoto was posted on jw-archive. flags flying at the 2015 r.c.
in fribourg, switzerland..
Well that's a new one! -
Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.
by fukitol inhumanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.
nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.. it's only a matter of time until science achieves it.
maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually..... ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.. already the scientific fundmentals for it exist.
This is awesome. Seriously.
I'm putting "brain transplant onto android body" on my amazon wish list.
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
Forgiveness is like forgiving a bank loan.
- You have to be the bank in order to forgive it.
- It means all is zeroed out, as though nothing further is owed to make it right.
- It is a favorite of religious people who claim it makes you a better person. And they seem to seek opportunities to publicly 'forgive' criminals. (If you truly forgave them, you don't need accolades for it.)
- They claim you need to do it for yourself, for your health and for your relationship with god.
Acceptance is an entirely separate matter:
- You do not have to forget or forgive. You can remember it and still move on, not focusing your energy on it.
- You do need to do it for yourself, for your health.
- You don't need accolades for doing it.
Why using Jehovah for God's name is as good as using Yahweh
by oppostate inin another thread i wrote some notes about why using jehovah in english is as good as using yahweh.
i'm starting a discussion on this topic because it sounds quite ignorant to hear people talk of the monk who started using it in latin without really understanding why the monk did so.. the spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270, didn't get hoodwinked by an old jewish superstition about pronouncing the divine name with the vowel points of another word.. 1. first the vowel points of adonay and jehovah cannot be the same for grammatical reasons.
you just can't use the same vowel points because some vowels aren't paired with some consonants in pronouncing hebrew words.
Evidence of God.
by Jaewook kim insugar water will show blue light over the sun.. salt water will show red light over the sun.. our body components, salt sugar water.. blue blood vein and red blood... definition of our body in his form.. this is the evidence, of our god..
Oh honey. (( )) -
Happiness is....
by FreeGirl2006 inhaving brunch and then getting a massage instead of sitting at the grand poobah session several blocks from my house.
it always irritated me how the convention was always scheduled for july 4th weekend and now it doesn't matter.
not trying to rub salt in the wounds of you poor ones who have to be bored or angry by turns at the rc this weekend, as i did decades of drone seat warming.
It is good to remember the old days and how much better times are now, with our freedoms. (Just went for a swim and now I'm off to a massage too!)
One brother told me I was too smart and needed to hide that.
My take on the "sister bashing" is more of pity and criticism for accepting an inferior social role rather than vitriol, but YMMV.
I was just recalling being told being an intelligent girl was a liability in the borg. Boys wouldn't be attracted to me because they would feel intimidated or worry I wasn't going to be a subservient wife.
@ several points I was instructed to ask boys questions, even if I knew the answers, just to make them feel smart! I'm not sure if I'm more intelligent than the avg sista or if I'm just worse at hiding it.
Is the Org Putting Elders in the Firing Line?
by The Searcher inin view of the conti verdict of negligence by the org, are elders who are selected by the c.o.
now in a precarious position?
"charity trustees face potential liabilities in a number of ways.
What country is that document from, OP?
Obviously it's a good thing for "trustees" to take personal responsibility seriously. I am and have been on boards--those that do understand it act in a more responsible/legal fashion. It's a good thing.
And we can help make a difference by advocating for enforcement of such laws.
How do you feel about exJW's who resist our efforts to effect change?
by nicolaou ini've met a few.
i'm not talking about the jw who, whether df'd or not, falls off the radar and just gets on with living a normal life - good luck to them and may there be many more!.
i mean the former jehovah's witness who is now enjoying all the benefits of a cult free life thanks to the efforts of many bloggers, posters and activists, but is critical of the efforts of someone close them to free more jws.
To each his own.
Some people do "activist" type stuff to heal themselves, not necessarily to reach others. I cannot take issue with that. This is a dangerous, deadly, harmful cult--so what if they get a little heat (as long as it's ethical/legal)?
Other people do ineffective, potentially harmful things because they don't understand how to do something much more effective. If they put themselves out there on the forum stating they're going to do those things, I figure they must be open to discussion about it.
Others have worse motives, such as for personal gain. If that's the case, they deserve ridicule.
In the absence of poor motives, illegal/unethical activity, and acts that will make things worse, I say live and let live.