Posts by rebel8
Petition for U.S. AG investigation.
by freemindfade innot sure if anything will come of this.
but i signed it..
Will this be sent to the AG with some sort of evidence? -
Are There Good People Out There?
by LaurenM ineven though i'm no longer mentally a jw (i still technically am) i do recognize that there are some benefits to being raised one.
for example, the first (and only so far) wordly guy i was involved with had to smoke weed every day and got drunk all the time and that was his idea of fun.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him.
Yes, love, peace and long-suffering are beautiful qualities to have. I have yet to find all of that 100% in a single human being, including myself. I think you will find it to varying degrees in different people.
I've found those qualities less in jws than in non-jws. jws are some of the worst people morally and personality-wise that I've ever met.
Geoffrey Jackson's Golden Apple watch INVESTIGATED
by C0ntr013r ini went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
They used to make fun of the Pope's rings and the televangelists' watches!
I understand you pretty much need an iPhone to use most of Apple watch's features. I wouldn't even expect someone who took a vow of poverty to have an iPhone.
I admit it would be a lot of fun to start texting him on his watch as he's giving a talk.
Petition for U.S. AG investigation.
by freemindfade innot sure if anything will come of this.
but i signed it..
Why the US AG?
Please reach out to Te New Yorker
by Jonathan Drake ini have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them.
i share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
i'm writing regarding an article about jehovah's witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here: is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased.
This is me. Perhaps my role in this discussion is not one of expert but rather one with a harrowing personal experience, so my bias may be at work.
I researched "bloodless medicine" a bit. As far as I can tell, this was mostly invented by jws. I do not say this as a person offering credit for something good, but perhaps blame instead.
Yes, there have been advances to prevent more deaths in battle, and after AIDS came to light, more research was done about reducing the use of blood products. Those were the good advances.
The rest of this woo called "bloodless medicine" largely seems to be techniques not proven effective and safe, yet touted by such disingenuous front groups such as They have "expert" shills claiming they have no connection to jws and are genuinely so supportive of these non-evidence-based techniques that they spend their free time promoting them.
I see these front groups as not different from Narconon, the Scientology group blamed for deaths while preying upon vulnerable people to convert them to a cult.
Anyways, whenever I tried to identify non-jws supporting "bloodless medicine" I came up empty. FWIW.
JW to SDA anyone do it ?
by Introvert 2 ina couple friends pointed me to some info on the sabbath and i just plain like it, being the workaholic i am it's a lifesaver for me and gives me the motivation to be more balanced about my business and work schedule.
so from there i looked into the adventists and found a hall near my place and went last week.
i honestly enjoyed myself and the meeting time is not disruptive and the people were great and pretty laid back.
The teachings are close to what you know, and so is the lifestyle and all the other things wrong with its sister cult you used to belong to.
There are so many religion-free options for structure, morals and fellowship.
And if you prefer more church in your church, this
G.B. & J.W.'s Becoming Clap-Happy
by The Searcher inat the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
I kid you one District Assembly the crowd broke into applause when it was announced....[car with its lights on in the parking lot]
That might have been my handiwork.
G.B. & J.W.'s Becoming Clap-Happy
by The Searcher inat the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
I used to initiate rounds of applause, just to see if I could. It proved to me that it wasn't some organic moment of mutual appreciation, but rather a reflex.
I've had a lot of jw nightmares and still have them once in a while. Mine were symbolic of the real issues I had when I was a jw--them letting me almost bleed to death and me being held captive in an empty, sad life. (Those things happened IRL and the dreams were symbolic of those scenarios.) -
Who are you talking about?