In all seriousness, I am sorry for what you're going through. It sounds like a crappy situation.
Posts by rebel8
JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!
by ReligionOfHatred inhi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
I WAS an introvert JW, now I'm an extrovert exJW. I've learned that im a natural leader in my circles and I love to have a voice.
Introversion does not mean shy or quiet in the Myers-Briggs test...not sure if that's what you meant.
New Geoffrey Jackson statement on Royal Commission's webpage!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Viva la Vida incheck his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
I have to admit, when I saw the comment about his signature in the OP, my first thought was, "That's kind of petty."
Then I looked at the signature, and I'll be damned, that is quite the odd signature for an adult male. It is really round and loopy like a young girl who is learning to write. One could easily imagine doodlings on the face of a spiral notebook in that script, with hearts and, "Mrs. Justin Bieber".
Seriously an odd signature. I apologize for my stupid immediate thought.
The signature doesn't matter of course. Just remarkably odd.
The new 'classes' has created. Which one are you?
by Esse quam videri inover time a number of different 'classes' of members have arisen on this forum.
1] apple watch watchers - this group takes a great interest in watches worn by members of the governing body.
2] cult escape consultants - one who freely offers advise on how to flee from a cult - mainly the wt society.
LITIGIOUS CLASS--Spark threads with over a dozen pages each that build false hope for a class action lawsuit in a basically fundamentalist country.
CONSPIRACY CLASS--Not satisfied with the level of evil in the commonly known things about the cult, these folks crave revenge and satiety by searching for skeletons in the closet. Often takes the form of statements that jws were Masons and alien activity is associated with jws.
SNICKERING DOG CLASS--This class is currently limited to one person who makes irreverent, hilarious posts.
UADNA CLASS--You wish you were cool enough to be one of us. You're Googling "UADNA" right now.
WTB&TS has invested $40,000,000 in November 2007 in a Hedge fund located in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven
by sammy inwtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:. .
If Someone Touches Woman’s Breast and Covers it up…
by John Aquila inone of the elders schools i attended, we dealt with a person who touched a girls breast and covered it up and kept it secret until it was revealed through a source.
the instructor first laid the ground work for a guilt trip.
he read this scripture;.
Unclean. That's such a weird word to use for something they're saying is naughty.
It's so Old Testament. Uber conservative.
Your breast are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that brows among the lilies.
And then we have those types of scriptures being read at weddings and other meetings. What a bizarre contradiction. Song of Solomon strikes me as a private love letter, full of lust.
It's disgusting and unclean to touch a boob in private, but reading lusty private love poems in church, with kids present, is A-OK.
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
INTJ. I get the same result every time I take this test.
This test had another metric at the end--I got A for assertive. (I coulda told ya that!)
In previous threads, we discussed the possibility that there are more INTJ ex-jws than in the general population because we question everything.
Furthermore, INTJs prefer asynchronous communication like Internet forums, so you will find more posting here.
And come to think of it, INTJs are more analytical, so probably more likely to take an analytical test such as this one.
We also don't fit in with the E-S-F centric jw culture.
- We share the tendency for judgment but ours must be based upon facts and reasons, not feelings or what charismatic people tell us.
- We need alone time and that is frowned upon. (When I was in, they were big on saying alone time and daydreaming being when Satan can enter your mind. We were admonished to be saying silent prayers when alone. Damn, even when I was alone I had to talk to someone!)
- There is not enough privacy for us. (When I was in, there was no such thing as boundaries. Everyone knew when you had your period, saw a doctor for acne, whatever.)
I'm much happier now that I can be myself. Being a jw in that culture was mentally exhausting.
feeling of hopelessness and fear
by 060702015 indo you have feelings of hopelessness and fear for not having a religion?.
do you envy happy jehovah witnesses and living their lives carefree?.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
just the howling equivalent of a "Mexican wave"
Yeah, that has happened periodically in my last 2 neighborhoods. It could be a stray cat or coyote wandering around, or it could be a chain reaction with no real trigger. Dogs do seem to do that. Coyotes do it as well.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
I had a few experiences when I was a j-dub that are easily explained. The boring truth.
Despite the vast improvements in audiovisual technology, no new evidence.
All existing evidence can be explained and replicated. Night terrors, sleep apnea, hallucinations, shared delusions, etc. are documented human experiences.