It is possible that Ray did think he may write a book and may have been betraying the wts in his final days with them. But at the end of the day, that is not a problem for me. Look at how many people do the same here while trying to escape. Ray and his wife lived at Bethel and he was on the gb--it's not as though he would or could just move out the milisecond he got a doubt. Cognitive dissonance creates these situations of half in, half out.
Obviously if he brought wts property (documents) with him when he left, that indicates betrayal. (I left one high level job at a company because there was illegal conduct going on the company wouldn't address. You bet your sweet you-know-what I brought proof with me when I left, after being sure I wasn't stealing anything or violating any policies. CYA, baby.) So...I can't see why he wouldn't do the same. And thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster he did. He saved a lot of lives.