Execute new healthcare proxies and have your PCP, other providers and hospital put a copy in your medical record. Keep a copy in a safe place at home and give copies to your closest trusted friends.
The newest one will always trump the older.
i have a question for elders here or recent elders.
were the elders, in the last 10 years, given instruction to keep a copy of every publishers blood card on file at the kh?.
we moved to our current cong 6 years ago, and shortly after we moved in, the boe requested everyone update and give a copy of card to the kh.
Execute new healthcare proxies and have your PCP, other providers and hospital put a copy in your medical record. Keep a copy in a safe place at home and give copies to your closest trusted friends.
The newest one will always trump the older.
does anyone have a copy of the boe letter directing publishers to not go into apartment complexes and/or condominium complexes with no soliciting signs?
i ask because yesterday and buttheaded jw (that obviously had no idea who i am or my past) was knocking on doors in our condo complex.
he would have had to drive past a sign which clearly states "no solicitation or material distribution.".
"No soliciting" doesn't apply to jws unless your particular municipality has taken a lot of liberties with the dictionary definition of the word.
Since it doesn't apply, it's equally as irrelevant as having a sign that says, "No smoking", or "No skateboards." You wouldn't complain to your HOA or the police unless the dubs are smoking or skateboarding.
You may, however, lobby your city or HOA to enact a rule prohibiting dubs from entering the neighborhood or whatever.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
everybody gets one, the gift that stared up at you hopefully from its beautiful wrapping, and then, like a deflated balloon, delivers the worst gift ever.. i'm not talking about the gifts from small children like the "greatest aunt" coffee mug or the red and black lace folding fan.
surely you never would have chosen them for yourself, but it's the thought that counts from small people who love you.. then, there's the what the hell were they thinking gifts.
my mother-in-law has been giving these a lot lately.
Hey, don't knock soap on a rope. It was very practical. There was not liquid soap back then, and it's a big problem to drop bar soap in the shower.
Avon made it in many different scents. :)
i spent some time here awhile back as an unbelieving mate of a jw wife.
i learned a lot, and was able to be supportive and understanding when she decided to leave the jw.. unfortunately, my son seems to have internalized many of the jw teachings.
Hi, I remember you.
Is it possible he needs to deprogram himself from the actual jw doctrines? Would he be willing to write down a list of specific beliefs that cause his angst, and then pick one at a time to examine in depth?
You can guide him to finding specific jw literature citations on each topic that would cause unbelief in pretty much any reasonable person, and I'm sure you'd get a lot of help from the posters here.
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
If you want us to tell you what you want to hear, you probably came to the wrong forum. :)
Relationships like this either don't work at all or partly work and are really painful.
So my answer is:
(1) Greet her for the "New Year's Holiday" as a normal person would
everybody gets one, the gift that stared up at you hopefully from its beautiful wrapping, and then, like a deflated balloon, delivers the worst gift ever.. i'm not talking about the gifts from small children like the "greatest aunt" coffee mug or the red and black lace folding fan.
surely you never would have chosen them for yourself, but it's the thought that counts from small people who love you.. then, there's the what the hell were they thinking gifts.
my mother-in-law has been giving these a lot lately.
when i was first introduced to the "truth", i was so distracted by the love and affection that the members were showing me that i was ready to convert into the religion without thinking twice.
i was conviced that jws were god's people (i still think some of them are).
i made it my goal to get baptized as i wanted to be part of the "only" religion that produce such good people.
What's up with that, you ask? Simple. The only thing regulating their behavior is a flimsy belief in a supernatural being made up by pre-literate people trying to figure out where the rain came from. Their morals do not come from within. Their distinction between right and wrong is changeable depending upon momentary whims or impulses.
does anyone have a copy of the boe letter directing publishers to not go into apartment complexes and/or condominium complexes with no soliciting signs?
i ask because yesterday and buttheaded jw (that obviously had no idea who i am or my past) was knocking on doors in our condo complex.
he would have had to drive past a sign which clearly states "no solicitation or material distribution.".
Laws about trespassing and solicitation on private property vary by municipality, but there's a letter template if you need one. You'll have to incorporate your own legal requirements.
it's been at least a couple years since i've posted anything on here, and much longer than that since when i was active.
ten years ago i first came here all in turmoil over my disillusionment of my beliefs.
i've been through lots of ups and downs since then.
I remember you. Sorry you're going through this.
Have you considered seeing a counselor to work through these issues with a uninvolved person? It could help you make a decision.