I hope this community can help me to suggest a suitably friendly but crushing written response to stop her writing any more unwanted jw nonsense.
"Hi jw friend, thanks so much for keeping me up to date on what's going on in the jw organization. I happened to join a forum (jehovahs-witness.com) and am sharing all of this information there. There are some ex-jws there who like to keep up to date on what's going on in the organization so they can help their relatives who are still jws."
"I feel really uncomfortable discussing religion with you. I am happy to keep in touch with you as a friend and discuss non-religious stuff. Thanks for respecting my wishes."
"I noticed you seem really interested in discussing the jw religion with me. If that's the case, I have lots of info to share with you. For example, I read that [insert jw scandal here and links/references]."