The word "cult" does not help everyone to get away from it, as this and many other stories show.
The issue isn't about accepting the C word. At the end of the day, it's about acknowledging it is a harmful high control group.
shared a bit with my husband the other day about what i'd learned about cults.
how nearly (if not all) every box on the list gets checked for jw.
he got some upset!
The word "cult" does not help everyone to get away from it, as this and many other stories show.
The issue isn't about accepting the C word. At the end of the day, it's about acknowledging it is a harmful high control group.
at first i though, "nah...".then, this part of the article spoke the loudest:.
the spokesman for the jehovah's witnesses in mexico did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the incident, which occurred at least a month ago.. read the article for yourself:
at this rate, soon they'll let infants get dipped:.
lindsey jackson, 14, of king george county was among the 33 people who were baptized saturday during the first convention of jehovah’s witnesses of the summer at the richmond coliseum.
But, how horribly embarrassing for the teen. And the young people attending. A totally inappropriate subject to assign to a young person to talk about in front of hundreds of people - and then have it reported on in the newspaper.
This is the major issue with this story. It is abusive to let a minor child discuss this matter in a public presentation. Very sick.
I know I usually have an evil sense of humor, but even I am not finding this funny.
at this rate, soon they'll let infants get dipped:.
lindsey jackson, 14, of king george county was among the 33 people who were baptized saturday during the first convention of jehovah’s witnesses of the summer at the richmond coliseum.
Good point, Shirley W! :) For example:
he "accidentally" looked at porn that means he saw it for just two or three seconds, like when you accidentally open a restroom door and somebody is already on the toilet in there. Then he spoke Jehovah's name aloud, yelled, "Get behind me, Satan," confessed to an elder and presented his experience to 5,0000 people at the next assembly.
Sounds legit.
There is something so f*9((+d up about a child discussing this matter at an assembly.
i don't believe the article says he's a jw, but he is..
The only possible reaction by a normal person is an over-reaction, say, like shoving the perp to the ground and stomping his skull in.
An abnormal response is to call for help and not intervene.
An extremely sick response is to do nothing.
what things did (do) you or someone you know do in the kingdom hall that was a no-no?.
i remember in the 80s when, during the meeting, three friends and i were breakdancing in the foyer.
3 out of 4 us are happily out of that organization.. as i was trudging through my fade and attending meetings, i sometimes dwelled on how much time and money i wasted during my years as a jw.
I used to play a lot of practical jokes. I poked people's asses through the seats, in the crack between the backrest and the seat. I put a tape recorder in the basement and played a haunted house tape. I changed the words of songs ever so slightly while singing them. I made silly noises during prayers. I figured out which bros were wearing clip on ties and pulled them out.
The most naughty thing I did is have independent thinking.
i don't believe the article says he's a jw, but he is..
so i'm absolutely clueless concerning relationships.
i had barely any friends at all growing up a jw kid & absolutely no interaction with "worldly" people or any guys whatsoever.
i have had a relationship of sorts with a guy for 4.5 months now, but i'm so clueless!
Sure, you can break it off. Then you will miss this opportunity to develop relationship skills, and you will probably be more lonely and depressed.
Yes, I lacked relationship skills. I am not great at it even now. I broke off a lot of relationships when I became uncomfortable with my lack of skills or when I was asked a lot of questions about my past. I always hid my jw past. Nobody could really relate to me when they tried to talk about their childhoods.
People learn how to be in a relationship slowly IRL. They interact with kids their own age. They date. They go to parties and proms. Their little hearts get broken. All of this is how a person learns how to do relationships. We skipped all of that and must learn it in adulthood.
So here you are. It's up to you.
If you decide to stick with it--
Have you told this person about your past & feeling that you don't know what to do?
Ask specific questions from people you trust, for example, how often should I call him?
i have this thing.
i don't know why it is or how to stop it.
every time i happen to daydream about something positive from my childhood, some related cult aspect comes to mind and extinguishes it like a candle is being blown out.. for a while, i thought this was anger and resentment causing me to want to find an excuse to be angry (not that i need one).
I have this thing. I don't know why it is or how to stop it.
Every time I happen to daydream about something positive from my childhood, some related cult aspect comes to mind and extinguishes it like a candle is being blown out.
For a while, I thought this was anger and resentment causing me to want to find an excuse to be angry (not that I need one). I'm probably now as "over" the anger as I ever will be, so I'm thinking that's not it.
It's not something I'm consciously doing. For example, I was driving and listening to a song that was popular when I was really young, probably right before the cult got me. I was remembering a relative teasing me while singing the song. Then I started remembering all the sh1t he did to me in later years via the cult, becoming an MS and supporting some truly messed up decisions by the local BOE.
I mean, seriously, why. I don't deliberately think about this person, but I was smiling and remembering the silly song thing, and then a moment later I am remembering myself in one of the worst moments of my childhood.
It's surprising that 6% were open to the idea of evolution.
Not very open, though. They just believed humans evolved over time due to natural processes.