I'm so sorry you're going through this, stevepill. I wish we had an answer for you that's easier to take.
Honestly though, it would be horrifying if you married, had kids and she exposed the kids to the cult. Horrifying.
So sorry. (( ))
i have been with an in active jw for 6 years, she now wants to marry and have a child, will she want to bring a child up as a witness, she says not but any experiences?
will she start go back once we are married?
(i'm a non jw)
I'm so sorry you're going through this, stevepill. I wish we had an answer for you that's easier to take.
Honestly though, it would be horrifying if you married, had kids and she exposed the kids to the cult. Horrifying.
So sorry. (( ))
i have been with an in active jw for 6 years, she now wants to marry and have a child, will she want to bring a child up as a witness, she says not but any experiences?
will she start go back once we are married?
(i'm a non jw)
this is so hard, feel like giving up want to help her
That is really admirable, just know that you are now putting yourself in the position of deprogramming her. That could take decades and may never be successful.
You could try exposing her to information about the cult and see if it affects her. Give her time to process and accept what she learns, then re-assess.
ok more about the jw wedding i attended.
there were these two couples at our dinner table that were having an all out pissing competition as to who was the most spiritual.
they were comparing who was in "the truth" the longest, who pioneered where and for how long.
I like to chime in with things like, "I survived a Nazi concentration camp. And before that, I was a colporteur and knew Pastor Russell personally."
google translation:.
condemned the perpetrators of the pyramid scam 700 jehovah's witnesses.
barcelona, february 6.
The dubs where I'm from, and those I know in other areas, are heavily into Shaklee, Amway and other pyramid-type vitamin schemes.
It's part of their legacy.
it started in the 1870's then throughout the 20th century.
and now here we are 15 years into the 21st century.
how many generations is that?
This centuries thing is a very interesting way to put the doctrine into perspective.
I like the generation count as well.
I bet these would be very convincing to some.
the first step to fading is to begin missing the meetings.. "if" anyone misses you, a quality excuse must be at the ready.
this will produce empathy toward you as opposed to suspicion.. 1. car problems ( don't mention that you caused them ).
2. stuck on the phone resolving insurance, billing, etc issues.. 3. sick ( of the meetings ).
Homicidal ideation caused by menopause
Pink eye (highly contagious)
Recent exposure to Tuberculosis or Measles
Projectile vomiting
Explosive diarrhea
Excessive gas
Menstrual cramps
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Walking pneumonia
Struck by an evil spell
Mandated to work during meeting time by boss controlled by Satan
Morgellons Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Any other invisible disease would work.
i have been with an in active jw for 6 years, she now wants to marry and have a child, will she want to bring a child up as a witness, she says not but any experiences?
will she start go back once we are married?
(i'm a non jw)
"Inactive witness" just means she doesn't participate anymore, but has not been formally removed from the church. It doesn't tell us what she believes or plans to do.
If she still believes it's an ok religion to bring kids up in, run very fast and very far away.
My husband, before we married, asked about my current beliefs and stated in no uncertain terms he would terminate our relationship if I ever decided to return to the cult. I assured him I would not, and I have not.
Everyone who is considering making babies with someone else, or entering a committed relationship, should have the same conversation about religious beliefs and plans, really. You need to be sure you're on the same page.
i don't typically hear from my mom often, but i tell you, over the past couple of weeks, i have heard from her several times.
you heard the comment about "our way of worship will be altered" and thank you for your posts by the way....but yesterday, she calls and is asking about the kids and then, in typical jw fashion mind you, says:.
"you know, you should really get back to meetings.
I was told in the 1960's that I would never finish high school.
I can understand a young person nowadays chalking that up to us being antiquated and ignorant back then, because that's what they think about us in general--clothes, politics, music, etc.
Seems it would take more rationalization for an older person. They must accept that they were antiquated themselves, misguided, ignorant.
"chasing your loses"
Excellent analysis! I've always known some older ones stay in because they don't want the investment of their whole lives to be lost, even though they realize it is. I hadn't thought of it as chasing your losses though. It's true.
in addition to the above question, why do citizens of the two above mentioned countries, or other countries, feel the necessity to tell americans how they should interpret the american constitution for localized issues?.
i fairly much have an idea what the general population in the usa feels in regards to the first question.
this could be one of the possible reasons cnn piers morgan poor ratings and eventual firing.
The US does not exist in a bubble - the US political climate affects way more than those who live within its borders.
To clarify, I was referring to "most" of our news. I do understand some of the USA's actions affect nearly everyone on the planet, so it makes sense to pay attention of course.
It's the rest I don't understand--American lawsuits, legislation, celebrities, artists and social issues that do not affect other countries. There are so many other rich cultures to pay attention to besides ours. I fear those cultures are being outshouted by Katy Perry, octomom, Kardashians, the red carpet, etc. Am I right to be concerned?
alert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Ok, so pranks can be therapeutic for the one pulling them. That's one thing it accomplished.
After that, nothing.
The accusation, "Apostates lie" has been held true in this case.
And why let the guy know the effect his wacko talks is actually having, unless you want him to stop?