Posts by rebel8
My wife is frightened about the end/ What to say without sounding Apostate?
by suavojr inmy wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
I have been verbally, financially and physically abused horribly by jws. There are some I'd like to replace their real yearbooks with one that had texts like in the OP, culminating in an abrupt stop before year's end. Like the Mayan calendar. And let them stew on that. -
What would you do with an abuse settlement?
by StarTrekAngel inwhat would you do if you were conti or lopez and had a large award?
sure, the options and the tastes are many but consider this.... i don't know if this has already been covered or mentioned but i think there would be no better investment of that money than to put into a non-profit.
on dedicated to seek out and bring forward more cases.
I hope the victims would spend some of it on themselves to ease some of the pain they've gone through. Therapy, fun, more free time, meditation courses, freedom from worrying about money.
According to Oct.1st 2012 WT Directions- Past Child Molesters CAN Be Appointed Elders
by flipper inconsidering the fact that the wt society refuses to release in courts any of it's written directions to elders through confidential letters to elder bodies- i thought i'd do the courts and wt society a "favor " by posting excerpts from this oct 1st.
2012 letter from the wt society to all bodies of elders.
these instructions are very exposing of the negligence of wt authorities in how they view the seriousness of felony child abuse.
Sociopaths (pedos) don't change. Period.
They know how to charm, deceive and manipulate. They are never rehabilitated. They cannot become nice people. They never repent because they do not ever see themselves as being wrong.
IIRC the only treatment ever known to even affect them at all only reduces violent behavior.
This cult allows the worst types of known criminals to be appointed as clergy, while refusing women the same privilege because of their gender. Brilliant.
How to get my kids out
by SaneAgain ini've been disfellowshipped for about 5 years and extremely happy to be out.
my ex wife is still a regular meeting attender and takes our two young kids with her (8 and 6 years old).
i recently saw some of the caleb and sophia videos on the website and was completely appalled, i remember what i was taught as a kid growing up in the organization but this seems so much worse and now that i'm out i can plainly see the mind control.
1. Focus on critical thinking skills.
Here's some books that sound good. I've never had a chance to read them.
If they start talking about the teachings, couch them as things "some people believe" and that beliefs are choices. Ask them if they know what other people believe and discuss. How would we know which god is real, jehoopla or Thor? They are equally as plausible and have the same amount of evidence.
Maybe you could have informal little conversations ready to use when you have an opportunity. For example, there is ample evidence no global flood ever took place, there was no such thing as the water canopy, etc. (Probably one of the jw teachings most easy to disprove.) Discuss all the flood myths that predate the bible.
2. Show them how to be a good person outside the borg. Take them to volunteering events, etc.
3. Show them you can have good, wholesome fun outside the borg.
4. Read the bible together. Read a very small snippet and let them discuss it openly. The bible is a totally evil book and has a lot of mistakes a creator wouldn't say about his creation (bats are birds, Earth is a circle). Stimulate and permit open examination of these things. Gawd sent His Super Special People into battle several times knowing they'd all die. Why would he bother wiping out the population with a flood himself and later not be in the mood for swimming, so he needs people to engage in combat for him? Why did he say to dash babies against rocks?
The WTBTS and Elders have too many stupid rules!
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini hated ministry book bags.i hated coming out of my home with the book bags looking like i was going to a,i starting going to the ministry school and sunday bible meetings holding only the required books for that day in my hand.. for the sunday meetings,i would just carry the song book,bible and watchtower magazine in my hand.
no book bag!
for the ministry school,i would just carry just what necessary for the evening.
Oh my gawd--these rules!
I remember being given a really nice bookbag. We really did not have money for other things but we got those when we turned a certain age. A really nice, professional briefcase. I probably would have looked like a tiny lawyer if it weren't for the prairie skirts.
It was such a status symbol too--like you were more spiritual if you had one.
Suffocating to death. I can't imagine. -
Top 10 Memorial Excuses
by rebel8 ingood excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.
It's that time again (I think) -
Just Want To Be Heard
by dubstepped ini've been lurking here for a while now, and i guess you could call me a fader.
i don't have hate in my heart for the organization that i spent most of my life in, but i have had an awakening.
luckily, so has my wife, and that way i don't feel so alone.
Keep thinking, keep growing--even if it's scary or painful.
Good luck on your journey.
I quit the Theocratic Ministry School
by My Name is of No Consequence inafter almost 24 years in the school and doing it since i was nine years old, i officially resigned.
it has become increasingly difficult to prepare talks, especially with the new format for brothers.
i did not mind doing them; i actually put the time and effort into getting them out.
Yeah, welcome to the sistas' world. lol.
The elders used to deliberately assign your helpers to be someone you didn't like, to promote harmony in the borg or whatever. So awkward. I started refusing assignments toward the end, because that was the last straw.
But it was certainly not the real reason I wasn't giving was because I could no longer stomach marketing their deadly message.
Talking to support and contacts at WT HQ
by Juan Viejo2 ini have a story to share about my calls to wt ny hq this past week.
i was quite surprised by the level of disinterest and lack of concern from the two contacts that i spoke to.
rather than jumping right in and sharing my experience - and perhaps "poisoning the well," i'd like to read experiences of others on this forum who had the urge or need to call the wt contact number.. btw - mine was not an apostate rant or overly critical of the wt and was presented in a friendly and helpful way.
It's against the law (in NY) to record people without their permission.
NY has a one-party consent law. Only 1 of the parties to a conversation must consent to it being recorded. So go and record all you want!